What have you experienced with Google AdSense placement on forums? Which placements work best for you and generate the most revenue? I have experienced that a link unit below the navbar and a banner below the first post in a thread often yields pleasing results. What about you guys?
Leaderboards in the top center of the site (ad_navbar_below) are by far the best money makers compared to my other ad slots. -Raymond
I'll have to try that one The only ad I currently have in the header-area on one of my forums is a small link bar/unit at the bottom of the notices box, which appears mostly for guests (the "You are currently visiting as a guest, etc." message), as I rarely use notices for my members. It is one of the best-performing compared to the other ad placements on my forum.
I have ads here "below navbar, side column, and some other places... i dont remember but im getting atleast 1000 impressions a day"
Top of the forum is the best. I had them for about 6 months before they banned me cause someone was clicking them non stop. Even though it wasn't me, they didn't care and kept me banned. Now I have paid ad slots giving me much more than google ads ever did so I'm pretty happy.
Their automated fraud click protection really should have protected you from something like that. -Raymond
Probably a good idea is to get the skin you want installed. Then place your ads and then log out completely. Whatever comes up first as a guest is the best ad place. So in general the navbar below and the leader board as Popowich say are by far the best. That does not limit though the profile section banner also that one works good too especially on gamer type forums or one that updating the signature is a common thing. Like my forum.
They say that a big square (or 2) under the navbar receives the best money. There are some good sites using this method and swear by it....I actually don't know why I don't hahah
I recently added a 125x125 ad unit in the header (the ad_header_logo Ad Location in vB) and it has been my best-performing ad almost every day since its addition. My second-best performing ad location is at the bottom of the notices box which appears for guests, members who have not posted, and occasionally for all members when we have some news to share. Third-best is the ad after the first post in every thread. Just thought I'd share with you all
Top center is always going to do well compared to other locations regardless of the size of the ad unit. The better test is to try multiple sizes in the top center in rotation for a month or two weeks each and compare those results to see which size is best for you. -Raymond
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That's a laugh. Google never hardly ever gives you ads related to your content, unless you have tons of traffic, when your first starting out they always give you lame nothing to do with your site ads. Then you have to go and block the silly ads and hope the new ones are better. I think the best ones for your content are Kontera. They are pretty good with that, but they have that inline ad crap, where they make certain words on your site clickable and all.
Actually, I have very relevant ads provided by Google on one of my other forums. The niche is extremely targeted, so perhaps that is why.
Then count yourself lucky. I have found when you are first starting a site, that they like to feed you garbage before they give you the good stuff. Though, if the domain name is like directly names for the content, then I imagine they would be forced to feed you relevant ads, but for the most part they like to shiest you.
Well I didn't have ads on the site when I first started it, so I don't know what they would've given me. :p And yes, my domain name is my niche's exact key phrase.
Google does a fantastic job with the type of ads displayed on my sites. I haven't had many issues with that at all. Does vB have an automatic way to include an ad within the first post of a thread (for guests, of course)? Which one is this one? ad_showthread_firstpost_start
So, I tested it and found that is the one with the ads within the first post. Anyone know how to have it aligned to the right versus on the left which makes the posts look a little off? I did that floating div thing and it just threw off the look of the posts a little. Is that the only way?
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Does it matter how big your community is to get all caught up in this stuff? As my site was hacked recently and I have been struggling with getting members back since.