Google AdSense

Discussion in 'Web Development and Programming' started by shihab, May 11, 2010.

  1. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    or stolen :O
  2. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    yeah...true, and they probably wont give you another cheque
  3. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    probably not.
  4. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    see, google are clever in that way :p
  5. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    yeah, though it is one HUGE downfall.
  6. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    definitely, google are turning evil :p
  7. haney

    haney Regular Member

    In the US, google would have to re-issue a check if lost. And could you imagine their paypal balance? it would be like 2 million+
  8. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    thats nice for US citizens and very true haney, big paypal balance :)
  9. haney

    haney Regular Member

    It would be nice to get your adsense revenue in paypal. I'm like $30 away from getting my next check..
  10. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    congrats Haney. Good luck :D
  11. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    how long does it take you to receive that much?
  12. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    I have heard anywhere from 1 year to 2 months. depends on your traffic
  13. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    will probably take me 2 years if i try :p
  14. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    same for me :P
  15. Teekay

    Teekay Regular Member

    I have made £7.73 in 9 days which is quite good. I should get the £6 in about 2 months or maybe a bit more.
  16. shihab

    shihab Regular Member

    thats really fast :)
    i will probably not try using google adsense as i wont have much traffic
  17. resistingdestiny

    resistingdestiny Regular Member

    I use it regulary and its suprising how much money it can bring in.
    I have a friend who to date has earnt over £1000 from it.

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