Hi everyone! Found this site via Zoints and thought I'd join up and have a look. Not really from the south, it fact I'm about as far from south as you can get, all the way up here in Canada. Took a quick look around before making this thread and it looks like a pretty cool place, I'm sure I won't have any problems finding something to join in and talk about. Well, I'm never good at closing an introduction thread, so c'ya!
:welcomeboard: , yerxa and glad you joined in. Right now I'm living up near Canada and lots of others are NOT from the south so you are in good company. I just happen to be from the south. LOL Glad you jumped in with an intro. Tell us a bit more about yourself. Your interests, ect. Liz .
Hi Yerxa and welcome! Plenty of northerners here, seeking a warm place to be, we appreciate the Southern Hospitality :wink2: Where in Canada? AnotherLiz
Hi Yerxa! :welcome: to Southern Gazebo! I live in the south, but I'm only as "southern" as being born in Southern California can get me. :wink2: Glad you found us and hope you'll enjoy your visits. Most of the time you can find us on the daily thread unless we have some particular topic to discuss. So jump on in, the water's fine! :smile:
Thanks for the quick welcome guys. I'm from New Brunswick, live about 15 minutes away from the Maine border. I go to Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia (I'm starting my 2nd year of my BSc in September). As for my interests, television and the internet are the only two that seem to last. Love NCIS, CSI, Survivor, and Big Brother.
Ooooh, I *think* you just might be the "northernist northerner" here. OK, when I bellyache about the cold, you can hit me with a snowball and tell me to shut up :wink2: My son's Morris Dance Troupe was going to go to Nova Scotia a few years ago, but we got invited to Denmark and we went there instead. Saw photos, though...it is beautiful!! Now, what does BSc mean? Liz
BSc is a Bachelor's of Science Degree. Pretty much the basic of basic as far as a University degree goes, comparable to a BA (Bachelor's of Arts). I'm majoring in Biochemistry and haven't totally decided whether I want to go into Forensics or Law (or just call it quits at the BSc due to the insanely large amount of debt). My parents and grandparents are pushing for Law, they want a lawyer in the family.
I was guessing a BSc is the same as a BS degree here. Most important thing is to get into an internship as soon as you possibly can so you can make sure you'll like whatever you plan on doing! A million years ago when I went to College, internships weren't allowed till the last semester of Senior Year, and I discovered through my internships, I HATED every blooming minute of my "future profession"! By then, I wasn't about to do any changing....so....I have a BS degree as an Art Therapist and I ended up falling in love with and working Retail after College! And the other most important thing is to do what you LOVE. DaughterKate is in her Junior (third) year, she started out majoring in English Education, changed to Psych, changed yet again to Theatre Arts. Everyone but me is saying it's a "worthless degree", BUT Theatre is her passion, she is such a Theatre Geek, so she should go for it (and there is a Fine Arts Camp my area that already told her she has a job once she gets her Bachelors, so there!!) In High School, Kate was looking into forensics---she was leaning towards being an FBI Forensics Specialist.....until she took Chemistry... AnotherLiz
Welcome, yerxa! Good luck in determining exactly how much education to pursue and find what you want to be! My daughter is entering her 2nd year of college now. She started last year as a psychology major, but then she switched to Psychology major/Criminal Justice minor; now she's switching again to Psychology major/Law! She loves watching the CSI and Law & Order shows, so I think she wants to sort of do both. Don't know if she can handle the science requirements though. Have you lived in Canada your entire life? It's beautiful up there. Carol
Born and raised in a small town in New Brunswick. I think there's around 5,000 or so people here now, nice little place but not really exciting growing up. And I'm guilty of the CSI influence on my decision of an education too. Loved (and hated) first year Chem. though, so I guess we'll see how things turn out over the next couple of years. Blim, as for the internship, we have a Co-op program at my University that was I going to take where you work summers in the field that your studying. Unfortunately, my GPA was just a hair under the requirements so I couldn't apply for it this year. Got an evil C+ in Philosophy. With any luck (and a bit of studying), I'll get my average up and can apply for it next year. Again, thanks for the warm welcome guys!
Ditto, Nerelda :icon_rotate: Yerxa, Philosophy kicked my kid's rear ends, too! Seems like it would be an easy "A", doesn't it? Luckily, that class wasn't required when I went to school. That Co-op sounds great! AnotherLiz
The easy A was exactly why I took it. Figured it would be my break for the day, boy was I wrong. Didn't figure out how to study for it until the second to last test, and by then I was doing everything I could to save my mark. Didn't help matters any that the textbook was written as a playscript, I guess my professor thought he had a knack for Theatre.
Ooh, Philosophy IS hard! Daughter had a hard time keeping her grade up in there. Was doing any extra credit she could muster just to keep her grade up so it wouldn't pull her GPA down! Good luck! Carol