Good Free IPB Mods

Discussion in 'IP.Board Discussions' started by tech, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. tech

    tech Regular Member

    Im about to purchase IPB 3.0 once my mum gets back, for Design247, Im just wondering is there any good mods out there?

    The ones im going to download and install are:

    IP.Tracker - To keep tracks of bugs in the skins/templates.

    iClient Download System - Unbranded versions of the styles for Premium Members/ special downloads.

    Ticket System - Self explanatory

    Would there be any other mods which would suite a site like mine? Or any other good mods in general.


    For the style im going to try and import over StudioStyle which i think would suite it, Obviously im going to make it extremely good and alot better then the vB4 version because it will be the default on at the new forums.
  2. Mike

    Mike Adept


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