Going on a rant

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by southernlady, May 11, 2006.

  1. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    :Rant-On: I truly want to understand why the entire world seems to love adobe photoshop? What is it about that program that paying THRU your nose is truly worth it?

    I have seen some extremely talented artists using many other programs but because it isn't adobe, it's not considered REAL graphics. I belong to three yahoogroups PSP lists and one is for high quality tubers and designers. I have seen EXCELLENT work come thru but the world ignores that because it's NOT made with adobe cs...that magical program.

    It's like writing html. If you don't use Dreamweaver, you must not be a serious web designer. However, most of us cut our teeth on Notepad and truly prefer to see what is under the hood of or code. Dreamweaver just helps but there are MANY excellent FREE programs that can do exactly the same...give you the tools you need without messing your code up.

    It's the same theory for MS Office...no one says you HAVE to use it...in fact, Openoffice.org makes it nice and easy to use a free program that even plays nice with Bill Gates even tho Bill Gates doesn't see it that way. You don't have to pay thru the nose there either...

    Are we all like sheep, following the most expensive, hyped up programs just because it's what EVERYONE else uses?

    Okay, I've ranted...:Rant-Off:

    Yes, I use PSP9 as my graphics program of choice but I do have PS CS as well. I can NOT seem to get photoshop to do what I want it to do and I LIKE the ease of use and the helpfulness among the groups out there.

    But can anyone explain WHY? Liz
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    My personal opinion is that if it was done on the computer with any type of skills needed with any of those photo prgrams, then it's good enough for me. I don't care WHAT program you did the work in as long as it's created with talent, and not a program that does everything for you.
  3. Michelle

    Michelle Regular Member

    I totally agree Liz. I often see adverts for web designers that say you MUST have an in depth knowledge of Photoshop and Dreamweaver. Well, I'm sorry, but an expensive program does NOT a good designer make! LOL
  4. bozodog

    bozodog Regular Member

    I'm with you. The only thing I can see PhotoShop for is serious animation projects. As for Open Office, I find MS to be easier to navigate. But shucks, I started with it. I'm sure if I took the time OO would be fine. Dreamweaver is the same. Personally, if one wants/needs to spend $$ on a web program I feel NAMO is the best. I tried all sorts of free ones and just couldn't get them. (or a site built) Forget coding for me ;-( I can hardly spell. Heh heh....
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I, myself, think that some programs are worth paying for, and some should come with a payment to me for having to install - remove (try) the junk.

    But as for the Photoshop program- I did not enjoy using it and gave the program away. I design a lot of products (websites, cards, brochures, signage, logo's, complete advertising campaign, retail stores, company colors and stuff like that) for clients, and I use a mix of programs from very expensive to freeware. I do think OpenOffice is well written and the one I recommend when cost is an issue. I prefer Microsoft Office and those who know me know that I get to beta test it each year and I receive a free copy! But I would pay for it and I do promote it and sell it to my professional clients. And they seem insulted if I try to pull them from Microsoft Office. They love the features and the speed of use. And I guess that goes the same for me. If you dig into Microsoft's products and compare them, one can see why they cost soo much. For one they are super packed with features...too many features that most do not discover or simply do not need. I think that is one reasone for the push towards more versions of their programs and the Live programs.

    It's just the same as HTML code writing.

    :laugh: I think most of us here love to create websites. And with that, we know that there are many layers to building one. The talent can be in many forms and with the use of tools that we have come to depend on. I use Frontpage for most of my site designs. I starting out with Notepad, and then started testing lots of different programs over the years and then I tested Fusion against FrontPage and I was sorta hooked on FrontPage (but Fusion is free and it is almost the same program)! I like the ability to write my own code, but I can check it and view it with one click. I like the tools that check my hyperlinks (sometimes hundreds). And I really like the FTP tool built into it. A good FTP tool is worth some money just on its own. And because of these features, and others, I can design a site very fast - and yet create a one of a kind website, that works well.

    So, I guess they all serve a purpose, but they are not always needed. I think a little of BOTH worlds would be nice. Maybe a way to order up the software that we want and with only the features we need. That would make life a lot better - IN MY OPINION.

    And as for what defines the designer...it is he who comes up with the design! I have never had a client ask me what I use to create. As a furniture and building designer in the 90's I was well known for being the pencil and paper designer cause I was still NOT using a computer design program for these tasks. It took me some time to switch and I NEVER lost a client or recieve negative feedback because of it. And I guess if come and paint your fence with a brush - I am the painter...just the same as if I do it woth a airless sprayer.

    You are very talented Liz and you should use what you like and continue to make those cool images that we all enjoy around here. And if someone gives you grief for it - send 'em my way and I will explain to them the concept of creative design. :sneaky:

    You dream it & you make it --You are the Artist - no matter what!:wink2:
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It is funny reading my post after some time.

    If I was to update it a little...

    Paint.net is so neat freeware that I like.

    Notepad is the best way to build a website.

    Microsoft Office 2007 is sweet...but expensive! It is worth every penny...but eating is more important, so Open Office is the next best thing!

  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    interesting update :)

    Photoshop will always be the "be-all-end-all" much as MS Office is or Adobe pdf was in publishing. It is the mystique of the programmer..... and the big bucks paycheck. That doesn't mean it is the best though, just the industry norm.....

    I never rated frontpage for website creation (though I used it) and I guess a year on you are now more proficient hence the change to notepad and doing it yourself.

    Personally I'm not that proficient, so go with what my ex brother-in-law recommended. Do it in Namo, gets you a quick result/view and then edit manually accordingly. Seems to work for him as he is still cranking out business sites in the UK.

    Have to give your paint program a go. I never mess too much with pics, so something simpler than PS is a boon. The last manual I saw for PS was 6 inches thick and small print!!!!
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes...it is funny as you grow older...things that were told to you by "the older and wiser ones" - come back around...full circle!

    Liz (southernlady) always told me I was hurting myself in the long run by relying on Frontpage to "think for me" and I can see the truth in that now!

    While it would allow me to build a 25 page site in a few hours, it created a lot of coding that was not compatible and outdated!

    I still have a few sites that are still in frontpage...but, one by one, they are being rewritten and I no longer have the program installed.

    As for the The paint.net program, it is pretty powerful and can do a lot!

  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Oh, you hit my button with your rant Liz. I use PSP myself. I also have Photoshop, but rarely iopen it up because I can do most everything I need with PSP or Animation Shop. I will post some of my creations. today for you to see. One thing I do like about PSP are the tubes and Photoshop does not have that. :thankyou:
  10. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    VP, which version of PSP do you use. I have both PSP 9 and X. X was an upgrade so I have to keep 9 installed, which is fine with me since it has Animation and X didn't. I have 7 stuffed in my downloaded files somewhere but never used it. I started with 9.

    I'm a tuber first and foremost. I'm starting to learn to make signature tags. Made mine, mrsheat's, and Reddie's. I used a photo I swiped of her puppy to make Kelly's (mrsheat's). I misted it and then used it in her tag.

    Soon after I wrote that rant, the high quality list I belonged to closed it's doors. The owner was tired of trying to control a yahoo list with over 3000 members. I happen to find a new list that one of the tubers from it owns and got on it...so I still manage to get very high quality tubes, etc. But she also sends thru tutorials and lately it's been on using blings/animations. That's what got me using the one I posted this morning. :) Liz
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have 9 & X. I use 9 almost exsclusively but I have use here and there.

    I like working with fractals also and have a separate software for that. Do you play with SBP at all? I love SBP and have lots of presets I have made myself.

    I have 2 yahoo groups myself that I run. One is for coloring black & white line art and such as that and the other is for just sharing anything to do with graphics.
  12. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Yeah, I belong to ONE of your lists....Creative Cornucopia!!! LOL. Small world. In fact, I responded to you on that list about your laptop question back in mid June. I was using one of my graphic email accounts not this forum email. Liz
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    YES, it most certainly is a small world!!! Glad to meet ya then. LOLOLOL:Coopwink: This is so very cool. Do you go by Southernlady in that group?
  14. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Actually, no, I never did...always went by Liz. That's probably why you never put the two together. Liz
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think it is funny how people meet that have really already met in aweird sort of way. I know that I have not been sending as much through the group as I should be but I have been so busy trying to get set up to move. Soon enough though we will get moved and then I can get back to playing with the graphics that I love doing.

    You should join my other group. It is fun and we do send a lot of black & white line art through and such. I love coloring that type of stuff. I want to get back to messing with tubes and such and definitely need to update my website and add more stuff. I will be able to do that once we get moved and all. So, by the begining of the new year I should be back on track.

    I have to go clean one of our bathrooms now and will be back in a bit.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest


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