Going M.I.A

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by princezna8, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    I have my show to do and rehearsals which end late. 3:30-9:30. I won't be on the computer much and I will probably be back in a week or so after Sunday but, not until next Monday because... Sunday we run a little late with striking and cast party.

    I love rehearsals because I'm weird :p but, I hope it goes all good which I know it will.

  2. The Law

    The Law Regular Member

    We will be here... as always. Have fun!!
  3. datrue_canadian

    datrue_canadian Regular Member

    good luck! make sure you tell us all about it when you return!
  4. Fowler

    Fowler Regular Member

    Good Luck, hope it all goes well :nod:
  5. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no...it's break a leg.

    I'll def keep you guys informed though.
  6. The Law

    The Law Regular Member

    Sorry... :( We're not theater people lol. JKJK. Break a leg, then!!
  7. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    Thanks :)

    It's just I'm super into theatre terms.

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