Godaddy Hosting?

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by Kaiser, May 12, 2011.

  1. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    What's your thoughts on GoDaddy Hosting? Im not even happy with them as a domain registrar, and hosting is far away, and the most of the people who have used them for hosting don't recommend it.
  2. Fiona1964

    Fiona1964 Regular Member

    I have never used then for hosting but I did get my domain name from then
    and they were very quick in moving it to my forum even though they told us it would take up to 48 hours to do it from paying it when really it only took about 6 hours
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    48 hours is the standard time, as it can take that long but its usually takes 1-8 hours. I bought from there, I may switch to namecheap as I am not too happy with them.
  4. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    A friend was hosting with them a while back and had constant problems, as generally domain registrars are not the best with hosting
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea they aren't. They may be a great registrar but not a good host. Many decide to buy hosting from them while buying the domain as its less hassle buying from another host.
  6. Gamrpro

    Gamrpro Regular Member

    Man I really hated it. After using GoDaddy I never wanted to build a site again. It was a nightmare. I hated Website Tonight.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Just in case anyone is wondering what website tonight is, its Godaddy's Website Builder. I had to google it, as I didnt know what it is.

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