Would you ever give away your forum for to someone? It can be a close person or just a random one. I would just hand it over to a close person. The last time I tried the person I wanted to hand it over to said he didn't have enough time to handle it. /Discuss
I would never give up my forum on purpose unless I had to for example if I had a serious health issue and I would not live, that would be the only time I would give it away. I would choose a person I knew from foruming who I could trust and believe he/she would do a good job running AdminBB.
This. And also who would ever give it to a random person, you either give it to someone who deserves it or someone close.
Yea, no one wants to give it to a complete stranger, after all the hard work put into it. Who knows how the new owner would run things.
Ye, that question for stranger or close friends. Is complete common sense, and im sorry to say this but who ever picks stranger is a complete dumbass :/
I would never give away any active forum of mine, unless I am unable to access it for some reason (health, no Internet, etc.). And if I were to give away my forum, I would give it to somebody I trust a lot, somebody close, or somebody I know in real life. I would never give it to a complete stranger. Who knows what they could do with it?
Like everyone else, I wouldn't give away a forum unless I had to. I would maybe give a less active forum away to a friend but not a stranger. If I couldn't take care of the forum (lack of time etc) I would maybe sell it, or ask a friend to run it for a while until I could regain control again.
Giving away is the hardest thing in a forum/site owners life, I've known sellers who took the money but wanted to give it back because they rethought about selling, although I would never give away my site unless I died or w.e (Lahford)
Yea I can see why, your website is your creation. Sorta like your baby, and I take care of my baby and would never sell my baby
You never heard of giving it to your staff members to run, and then coming back when you're ready? Sometimes new buyers don't run your community too well, and actually turn it into crap - would you really want that?
If for someone reason I knew I could never be active again, I'd hand it over to my co owner probably or someone I've knew for a long time. Saying that I would probably sell it so if it was a medical problem it could help pay for the medical bills.
I handed over EH to one of my other staff that I trusted due to not having enough time/lost interest in the subject, but I did stick around behind the scenes though
I would hand it over to a trusted staff member. I'd probably still sneak on and post when I could, but if I couldn't handle being an owner any longer then I'd give it to a trusted staff member and probably step down to a VIP or something like that, or even a moderator.
Yea same here, I would give over everything necessary such as my hosting account details, xenforo license and what not so that they would have everything necessary to keep it running while im gone and not run into any problems.