Today, until Thursday, my boyfriend and me are going to Wildwood, New Jersey. We'll be there for a few days to do some sight seeing and have a little fun. So I'll be away from AdminAddict for a few days. I guess I better start posting! :spin:
New Jersey's amazing! The weather is near perfect almost all year round, and there are actually seasons, unlike Winter year round like New York.
Have never been to the East Coast north of Washington D.C. Want to check it out one day if I ever get the time. Particularly interested in historical sites along with Vermont and Maine though. Vacation for my wife and I usually entails going up to Half Moon Bay, California and hanging out in a bed and breakfast after hitting up antique stores along the coast.
I would visit those places as well as Philadelphia if I ever get a chance to spend a few weeks out there. Vermont and Maine are interesting for pre-colonization sites. At least to me. Most of these would have been destroyed in more urban states.
It's particularly beautiful here during this time of the year, Wayne. We just recently went up to the lake (in Maine) to close up our summer home and the leaves are already changing in color. Very peaceful.
I like USA in christmas ^___^ You get to see snow!!! But I prefer PR in Christmas, it's my favorite time of year after all.
Most of the West Coast doesn't see snow in the Winter. Pretty much all of the Southwest and Southeast are exempt from snow as well. If it does snow, it doesn't stay around for long. I live where I am because I can see snow on the mountains in the distance but it doesn't usually fall on the valley floor. I personally don't like snow. If you ever see me at a ski resort in the Winter, I'll be inside drinking coffee and using the free wifi. I'd love to see New England in the fall but there has to be no possibility of snow. I spent a week in Racine, Wisconsin in January once and if I ever have to be in snow again in my life, it will be too soon.
I have family in Florida (hailing from New England). They were sure as hell glad that they weren't here last winter, which is when this wonderful event occurred. Luckily we have a backup power system, but we're in the minority. It was an absolute mess. :speechless: I'd rather not see ice again.
^^ Snow is pretty and very, very cold!! The first time I saw snow, I went out in my pajamas, fir the second it wasn't cold, but I touched it and it was freezing. xD if you want no snow, come to PR! You get no snow what-so-ever!
When ever they show the results of ice storms on television, it is always beautiful and pristine looking. However those images don't show the deadly accuracy that ice uses to destroy vital systems. Much worse than snow when it comes to the destruction it causes.
You're spot-on with that statement. Visually, it's rather beautiful and presents an excellent opportunity for outdoor photography; I found myself snapping pictures left and right during the various stages of the storm and ended up putting together a "time frame" composed of these various shots. As soon as the wind would pick up, it was no longer a beautiful image.