. - This is a general forum with a creative domain. um+um+um+um=the 4 'ums' (The forums) The 4 'ums' • Index page umumumum . net The forum was doing quite well in May but then I neglected it because I got busy with other things and it got infested with spam bots. The spam is now cleaned up! If you send out an email to the userbase things will get going again because I remember the users and a few in particular were very into the forum and enthusiastic about posting. Here is the traffic stats. The site has 350+ pages indexed in google. I think it can be a great forum, it has a creative domain and logo and a lot of potential. Make an offer.
Just a word of advice: before putting a discussion community up for sale, you may want to "clean it up" - meaning, remove everything that could be considered as SPAM.
I agree. But I also don't want to sound rude but it seems like this whole forum is either spam or from an importer? Either way I wish you all the best of luck in the sale.
Let me clear things up. The forums has several hundred legit posts, if you go to any specific forum and go to the last pages (the oldest posts) you will see the real posts. Then I neglected the forum and spambots got to it. There are hundreds of posts by spam bots. Example of older posts http://umumumum.net/viewforum.php?f=16&sid=cb9c3f8a155a2cad6cb398dbc6e36f92&start=100 The reason I did not clean it up is because I am selling it 'as is' because I don't have time for it. The forum has a lot of potential and a lot of good posts under the spam.
Looks pretty cool, I guess. If it were just an owner takeover, I'd definitely take you up on it. But what I think the others above are trying to say, is that you might be hard-pressed to sell someone a spammed board for $50. Yes, underneath, there are a good amount of quality posts, but unless you clean it up, you may have a difficult time. If it's a bit more presentable, then your product will be more enticing for that price. If you really want, get someone to clean it up for you before the sale. Remove all the spam, possibly add a security measure to reduce the amount of spam, and you'll be good.
Yeah I understand. I would clean it up but don't have time to and that is why I am selling it. I've put over $50 into it so it'd be nice to get back what I put into it but I know that might be a bit high for a spam covered forum (even though there are hundreds of good posts underneath, so that's why the (or best offer) is added. So I'm open for offers!
Spam posts are now cleared out, and all you have to deal with is a couple of spam accounts, which have already been deactivated. Good luck with the sale.
I'm assuming the hosting, domain name, and really don't know what else. I had run a phpBB forum before, and I spent all of $30 to get it running (10 domain + 20 cheap hosting), and probably would never sell it for anywhere near that much, if at all.
Just best offer. I've put probably $50 into it between domain, logo, promotion so that's what I was aiming to get back but it's probably a bit high. There is quite a bit of users who have posted if you look at the memberlist, so you're pretty much buying a settup forum with posts and members which has been promoted and indexed in google and it if you send an email out to the users I bet they'll come back. Just best offer