OK, so here's my self-designed phpBB theme for my new forum, Gavivia (includes a custom Arcade page as well). Link: Gavivia • free online games and forum There isn't much of a community at the moment, because it's a new forum and I haven't really advertised it yet. There might be a few interface issues (the arcade section comes top mind.... haven't fully tested it on IE)... but I'm working on it There's also some custom avatars and ranks for moderators: . . . . . . . Tell me what you think! oh, and please, please don't visit the site from Internet Explorer 6!
Like Fullmetalbabe, the forums threw me off, but everything else looks great! Why is the forum theme gray, when everything else is purple, white, etc. The avatars and ranks look nice, as well.
Yeah, I think the problem is that it's hard to customise that part of phpBB (as said in the other thread) - which is why I'm keen to move to something else like MyBB...
I really like your use of color and light. True, the forum doesn't quite match, but the home page is very nice.
I really like the look of the frontpage and thought a pleasant surprise was coming when i clicked the forum link. when ventured in, it was nothing like I envisioned. If you can get the forum style using the same colour theme as the frontpage with all those nice crisp graphics your style will surely be a winner. As it stands now, I'm not liking it apart from those nice crisp avatars.
I'm with everyone....the site's design and use of colors is fantastic, but the forum could use the same infusion of color. The custom work on avatars and images is great!
Thanks for the feedback everyone... so I'm thinking of changing the site around a bit, and I'm mocking up some forum designs. I'm not sure which way to go, so I'd like some feedback on the 2 designs below please . .
The header looks very nice, but I still think the rest of the page is too gray. (I admit I'm biased against gray web pages though, so take that with a grain of salt.) In any case, I hope that once you're done with your forum design that you'll start designing templates, you're good
Yes, I agree the mock up is amazing, but I also agree with Michelle when she says it's too much gray.
I'm actually quite fond of the amount of gray used in the mock-up. That, in combination with the header, creates an all-around "good" feeling.
Thanks for the positive feedback - I might try and add some purple/colour to the main forum section and see how it works out. I just need to decide whether I'm going to attempt to skin phpBB (and if it goes smoothly, hey, I could think about creating themes for others to use)... or move to something else like MyBB...
Lol... Trouble is MyBB looks really strange to me... especially the template system - I mean, where do the additional styles go? There seems to be no overall header/footer, and it all looks foreign! It's probably because I'm so used to phpBB.