So, haven't been here in a while. But since I've still got an account here, I may as well post a topic about my latest website project. Gaming Reinvented is a different kind of gaming site. Run using both XenForo and WordPress with heavy integration between them, the site is meant to do well off exclusive 'premium' content that users can buy access to with subscriptions in lieue of the whole 'ad supported' stuff on most sites. It's also meant to be a more ethical gaming site, with a decent amount of neutrality, no bribes from the industry and a willingness to side with the consumer over the companies. So yeah, thoughts so far? It's currently in beta about to be launched...
What is so different about this gaming forum to all the others you run. By the looks of it, yet another Super Mario/Nintendo based forum and you've done this already umpteen times. Why covering games like that which died out in the 80's or 90's. People are not interested in Super Mario today, so why waste time covering obsolete games like that? It's doomed to fail really from the start because you don't want to target games that are "popular today", instead sticking with ones (it seems you like), but ones that died out with the dinosaurs. Why not cover modern games with it instead - you already have a few Super Mario/Nintendo based forums going.... do something different for a change.
Firstly, I'm covering games that are popular today as well. Minecraft, Five Nights at Freddy's, Call of Duty, GTA, you name it. Secondly, to say the games aren't popular any more is hilarious given that they're still often selling more than ten million copies each.
If you're covering other games like Minecraft, Five Nights at Freddy's, Call of Duty and GTA. Then fair enough... I only looked briefly at the homepage and saw loads of Nintendo/Mario stuff mainly, it looked no different from the other forums you run having a quick glance before. About games, why not cover free MMO games like World of Tanks, World of Warships, World of Wareplanes, the new Armoured Warfare also coming very soon. These are hugely popular "free games" people can download and play, so lots of people do play them ongoing online because they cost nowt. These games are ever changing with new things added to keep interest going in them as well.
That's because I'm using the old Nintendo 3DS Daily content to seed the site and make sure it doesn't start out completely empty. When the features are done, the site's got a few more links and promotions elsewhere and I've finished setting everything up, I'll be adding new content. Which will relate to everything gaming you can think of, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, apps, game mods... anything. It's good you mention free games, because we do plan to cover them. We plan to cover just about anything cool or popular on the app store or play store. We plan to cover games on mainstream consoles. We plan to cover games on Steam. We plan to cover indie games not on services like Steam. We plan to cover game mods, ROM hacks, fan games and other fan made works, regardless of the base game or series. None will be treated as second class games. Cause that's a problem with most gaming sites. There's this unwritten rule than a 'real' game is one where some large company has released it on dedicated hardware and that only such games should get detailed descriptions or information or reviews. Not here. A decent game on iOS or on a modding site will get equal attention to one by a multi billion dollar corporation.
I only really mentioned the free MMO games... like the 3 wargaming ones. Because there's a lot of scope just covering them 3 games alone talking about all the different nations vehicles up for using. I was considering doing it myself not long ago but don't have the time for it now, neither the willingness really to be honest working hard with a forum again. But thought it would be a good idea though, especially considering you could actually advertise your site link in-game while playing it using the chatbox. But anyway, your topic caught my eye about it because of that really. But it's not something I'm going to pursue myself.