Re: Gaming Center #3 Well its older than you think. Just tha if you read some of my posts, its a bit of restarting.
Re: Gaming Center #3 Few days? Dude, expect few members over a couple of months. Unless you promote the hell outta the place, you're not gonna get a huge influx of members. You know how many gaming sites are out there?
Re: Gaming Center #3 Only the ones i join. Atm, im doing a contest, its only viewable to members though.
Re: Gaming Center #3 Unless your site is based on a specific game, expect little activity in the first months. A general gaming site is hard to gt running because of all the others there are around.
Re: Gaming Center #3 That was not the point. The point is, you've got a lot of competition out there, so buying a domain and throwing a vB license doesn't magically make people appear.
Re: Gaming Center #3 With a general gaming forum you're going to need a LOT of patience, or something very unique if you want stuff to happen faster.
Re: Gaming Center #3 Well i noticed that, it takes time to grow and im gaining it very slowly and weekly seems to be. Gained a member with a weird name Gaming Cube - View Profile: alskdjfqqw But his intro was weird. Anyways im thinking on this promotional stuff.
Re: Gaming Center #3 New skin & some updates, Lil bit more acrade games. Still nothing. Whats up with that?
Re: Gaming Center #3 Where are you promoting it? Example, If you google "ExplosiveGFX", you'll see all the sites I've signed up to and posted about my site on there. The whole first page is my site. That's what you need to do.
Re: Gaming Center #3 Well i promote at like 2 places and here. Affiliates dont help, but thats okay.. Im still seeing this [Review] Still nothing from you guys. Im stable as can be.
Re: Gaming Center #3 I do, but i dont have any game systems atm, just a psp. Haha, real funny eh? Guess not, but i'll mark this thread reviewed myself. Thanks everyone for all the feedback.
Re: Gaming Center #3 Okay, first 1. Your navbar links are all broken when your on the main page 2. I can't view your site when I have noscript enabled in FireFox. I get told I have to have javascript enabled for it to work. 3. Your navbar, is either missing an image at the top, or it just isn't there. Either way it looks pretty bad 4. All the links in the footer, make people leave your site. You need to add a target="_blank" to their link properties. 5. I can't read your logo... at all without burning my retina's out. 6. Going all copy and paste bandit mode for every news article on your site looks unprofessional, and can get you in a lot of trouble 7. The advertisements, you might as well get rid of until you get more members. No one likes ads on new sites, especially ones without unique content and features. Good luck with your site, and hopefully you're able to make these changes to improve it. Reviewed
Re: Gaming Center #3 Something I noticed, how come you've got: Powered by vBulletin® Version 4.0 Doesn't that break the license agreement?
Re: Gaming Center #3 Something odd I noticed myself was Malwarebytes IP protection doesnt seem to like gamingcube somehow, maybe theres a blocked/bad site on the same server:shrug:
Re: Gaming Center #3 No, I beleive you can show any version number in there regardless to what you're actually running. Or even hide the version number completely Why you'd want to show you're using a version that isn't even out, it beyond me. :shrug:
Re: Gaming Center #3 I was bored. The navbar links works only for the forum. And the News run from RSS Feeds.