GamerCafe "The NO1 Café to talk about gaming." A Little Info GamerCafe is a new simple, laid back gaming community developed me; Karoshio. If you're interested in any form of gaming then this is the place for you, no matter how serious or casual your gaming is there will always be plenty to discuss. We offer sections in gaming for everything you could ever need and if you find there's something missing you are always welcome to post a suggestion on our forum. Our Goal When I first thought of making GamerCafe I wanted to get it off the ground in a steady rate and would keep it going no matter how hard or long the road might get. My second goal would be that this community is a place were any gamer from any background can meet and talk about video games in general with other gamers. We aim to be a laid back gaming community. Changes and the Future While a lot has happened since the release of GC until now, we are still adding new things and implementing changes everyday. Feedback is very important and so far what you see is thanks to feedback of our users and that of others on other forums. We made many many changes to perfect the feel of our site towards our audience. So far we feel we are going in the right direction. We plan on adding more content in all sections each day and hire 1 or more staff members. more to be announced.... So if you like to be part of a rapid growing active gaming community, then come and check us out and maybe even register to join the neat discussions! We always welcome feedback here or on our forum. It helps us to improve. Thanks for reading our promo topic! With regards, Karoshio
Just letting you know that theme you are using is very much outdated and hasnt been updated in months, it hasnt been updated since xenforo was in beta stages. I suggest you change to a new one.
Brand new theme has been purchased along with new Gaming Media and Gaming Review areas. Can be found: Gaming Media Game Reviews
Are those links just available to members, I went to check them out and it went straight to a login page
Sorry about that. All the permissions for them have now been fixed. Media has been removed but the reviews will be kicking off very soon, currently there is only 1 draft one of Terraria that was added by me but will soon have a lot more. Also, 30% increased page load time.
Yes, the new one is much better. The old one was never meant to be permanent. We have found a new Game Reviewer, so you'll be able to read all our new reviews very soon.
Two new reviews have been released: Starcraft Diablo II