GamerBB is BUYING post!

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Savvy, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. Savvy

    Savvy Regular Member

    I'm looking to spend a dollar per package. So simply let me know how many post you would do at for $1 and I will respond via PM.
  2. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    sounds good but im cool with money, good luck!
  3. Savvy

    Savvy Regular Member

  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Lets stay on topic here. If anyone wishes to make a little income then contact flux.
  5. Jboeggs

    Jboeggs Regular Member

    25 posts :) for 1$
  6. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    How many posts on average do you want for $1? will you offer more for a higher post count?
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Seems like a decent amount:)
    Jboeggs likes this.
  8. Jboeggs

    Jboeggs Regular Member

    Okay fin just to beat this troll (lol jk) I will do 50 posts for 1$
  9. Savvy

    Savvy Regular Member

    Responded via PM. :)
  10. Jboeggs

    Jboeggs Regular Member

    I was joking about 50 posts nub <lol i said nub. But realy only 25 posts.
  11. VxAcid

    VxAcid Regular Member

    I'll do 40 posts for 1$, if you would like that, and I guarantee that I will not spam at all, and will stay on topic. :D
  12. GAKzb

    GAKzb Regular Member

    I'll do $1for 25 posts as well.
  13. SpiderZq

    SpiderZq Regular Member

    $1 for how much posts?

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