
Discussion in 'XenForo Discussions' started by Iconic, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    I was wondering if I could get a response from some people if they have these mods. I am looking at getting a proper gallery mod for my forum as I have a albums mod but you can't really do anything with it anymore as its really outdated and I am torn between these two:

    Does anyone prefer over another? Any problems with them at all?
    I really like both, but I think for the money Xen Media Gallery is the best.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    I have licenses for both. I have xengallery running at It was converted from IP.Gallery.

    My original plan was to use xengallery to convert from IP.Gallery and then convert xengallery to xenmedia gallery. After xengallery was installed I decided to stay with it. I did install xenmedia and didn't like it as much as I did xengallery.
    Iconic and Autopilot like this.
  3. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Boy that's a tough one and it's pretty much subjective to what you like in either or both. I think both are excellently done and well supported so that's a worry not founded. Go with the one that you like is all anyone can say I guess ;)
    Iconic likes this.
  4. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

  5. PhoenixDown

    PhoenixDown Regular Member

    Been going back and forth on this one myself.
  6. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    I like them both. I bought licenses to them both and tried them both out. I ended up going with XMG due to some compatibility issue that I couldn't resolve with XenGallery. In some ways I liked XenGallery better though. They're similar enough that it really make sense to just try them both out before you decide which one to go with in the long run.
  7. woodysfj40

    woodysfj40 Regular Member

    I use both, each on separate forums.

    If you replacing a standalone gallery for specific users to upload photo batches (ie: event coverage), I prefer XMG and how it displays images. I do NOT like how the home page filmstrip does "random" images, but actually chooses one photo randomly and then the following 4-5 in the series are the next "random" images. I also have not figured out if member tagging is possible.

    If your intent is to allow members open access to post pics and albums, I like the look and function of XenGallery. Member tagging is a biggie here. Also, how the galleries and photos are displayed is nice. I need to adjust thumb sizes tho to make things larger.

    XenGallery had some compatibility issues that my sysadmin and the developer worked out. I don't recall what they were, but were handled in the following version change.

    There are features of each I like, and don't like...
  8. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    I ended up using XenGallery.

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