
Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by MsJac, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    I'm considering a VPS with Future Hosting

    Does anyone have anything to say about them? Perhaps someone can recommend a very decent VPS host with very reasonable prices?

    Will appreciate recommendations, suggestions and futurehosting opinions. By reasonable - I mean no more than $500 - $600 per year and strong enough to host 2 medium sized vBulletin forums.


  2. David

    David Regular Member

    I got my VPS from there for $25 a month due to a sale they had, and its been fantastic, been a customer for almost a year now without any major complaints.
  3. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Thanks BSMedia - appreciate the feedback.
    Question - Which VPS do you have and how's the speed and uptime? How many sites do you host on your account and are the busy sites? Also - It's managed VPS right? How is their support service, like if I have any questions about transferring my forums - will they help?

  4. David

    David Regular Member

    I use their unmanaged service (think its the gold package), however any time anything has come up like one time a problem PHP didn't get a handler for some reason, they were more than happy to assist in fixing it for free, so I'd imagine their managed support is top notch, responses are pretty fast and in understandable english :D

    never a speed or uptime problem. The only down time we've ever had was given well in advance from the datacenter upgrades and they upgraded servers during that time as well :D

    We only host 5 sites, one gets 20-40k uniques per month and is used as a stock photography site with over 60k high and medium resolution images. Thats probably the biggest one, others get 10-15k monthly using a variety of scripts except one which only gets 1k uniques a month but is rapidly growing lol. Server loads never above 2 during peak times (but a lot of optimizing has went on)
  5. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Nice! Great feedback - it makes me more secure in my selection.
    I too saw a coupon 50% off for the life of the server - very attractive :)

    Thanks for responding!

  6. Randy

    Randy Adept

  7. ckidd

    ckidd Newcomer

    I got mine for 2 month for 3 years
  8. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Um - what the hell are you talking about?


    meh - nevermind you are a trick...
  9. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Thanks for the recommends - I'd considered WiredTree actually - I've heard some interesting things about them - some not good - but others are quite fond of them... Mixed reviews which I particularly don't know what to think about - so I'll probably pass them over... Havent heard of the Hawk Host though - I'm frightened of birds - so I'll leave those alone as well :)

  10. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Yea, I got something to say about them - they provide excellent service, excellent support and excellent value for the dollar.

    I leased an entry level VPS from them back in April of 2007. From april 2007 - april 2009 I moved up from the basic vps to the most expensive package they had. Finally, in April of 2009 I had to get a dedicated server.

    They moved everything on the VPS to the dedicated server. And my sites might have had a few "minutes" of downtime - if that.

    Over the past 4 years I have used all kinds of host. And Future Hosting is the only one that I have stayed with and the only one I recommend.
  11. Donkey

    Donkey Addict

    I don't know much about them, but I'm on eApps and the support is fantastic as is everything else.
  12. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Thanks Yawl! Kevin - I really appreciate your post - I tell you - the more I've asked regarding FutureHosting - the more I am absolutely assured that they are the hosting solution I will select. Great post = Thanks ;)

  13. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Bit of a bump, but did you end up deciding on a provider? :)

    If not, I'm going to highly recommend WiredTree. I have two dedicated (hardware) servers with them and am thoroughly impressed with their entire operation. Additionally, I had a VPS with them before purchasing the two hardware machines. It was equally as fantastic.

    Seriously. Fantastic provider and a powerful network. The entire team is composed of some of the friendliest people you'll meet - I've had discussions with the support team (meaning non-related topics).
  14. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Edit: From re-reading your last post, it looks like you decided. Oops! ;)
  15. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Hey Yawl -my apologies for not updating this thread.
    I initially considered FutureHosting my top selection. I signed up on their forums and tried posting in the presales section and found out that only customers can post in their forums (very bad imo, as you want prospective customers to be able to ask presales questions...) So I sent an email using the contact form and never received a response from them...

    I'd joined WHT Forums (web hosting talk) forums and found a dude on there who was answering questions about FutureHosting - so I asked him about my email. He looked/enquired/whatever and told me that all emails received had been answered. And I'm pretty sure I never received a response LOL - So that was the end of that.

    I finally decided to go with HostV --- They transferred and migrated all of my sites for free within 48 hours of me purchasing hosting! Thus far - I have filed about 9 support tickets, all of which have been answered quickly and the issues resolved in a very timely manner. I've found that their support team is fantastic. You can see just a bit of what their customer service etiquette is like on the WHT Forums. I'm quite happy with my selection of HostV and will provide an in-depth testimonial and critique of service within the next couple months.

    Anyway - both of my forums Poetry in Color Forum and WLSJourney.org - The Journey are currently running on my new VPS :)

  16. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Glad to hear that the migration went well and you're happy. ;)
  17. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Thanks Chris. Thus far I am quite happy with their service - Their support team has been fantastic and quite helpful. Especially considering I'm very new to server administration - they've answered all questions I've had quite efficiently and with smiles on LOL

  18. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    Glad to hear that you found a good VPS host Jacquii.

    I didn't see your thread til tonight. Otherwise I would have strongly recommended KnownHost. They have a solidly good reputation on WHT. I've been with them for 6 months, and couldn't be happier.
  19. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Hey Peggy!

    I'd actually heard fabulous things about both KnownHost and WiredTree actually - the thing that really piqued my interest with HostV was their exquisite 40% off first payment coupon LOL - So far - I've found their service to be professional and extremely customer-service oriented.


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