This thread gives a bit of insight.... So IB wants worldwide market share and centralized control. Might be a mistake...
I think this is a huge mistake. VB Germany and also the Arabic site are the 2 biggest consumer bases they have besides the U.S. and UK. This could come back to bite them real bad.
Perhaps they will create an umbrella company and allow the subsids to carry on as normal? It would be a stupid move to try and integrate it all, unless they're looking to cut costs.
Gives me the impression they want everything based around the US, the home of IB. I can understand why they might have closed the Arabic site, I read sales wasn't that good and they also got vBulletin software much cheaper too. But Germany, really can't see why they'd close that unless something to do with what I said above, the US thing. Them wanting to do business out their own back-yard maybe for whatever reason?
I just can't understand why they don't bring the people running the Germany site over to VB. Why can't they continue with what they have already in place either? Isn't the Germany site an affiliate seller who provides awesome support on their own? That has always been what I thought. Those running the Germany site have been a huge asset to the VB community for years. I just don't get why IB is acting like they are shutting the doors on them. Maybe I just don't have all the info. But, it looks that way.
IB probably figures they can make more money without the middle man. And I would imagine the Germany people already make more then vB is willing to pay them.
They've been advertising for German staff at Pretty sure they can apply for those job vacancies there.
You are correct. I didn't think of that. Hopefully it all works out in the end for those currently running the Germany site.