Free Domain Names

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Monster, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    I have a bunch of domains that I don't need anymore. Instead of just canceling them (which takes up to 2 years), I thought I might give them up for grabs. The process would work as follows: If someone is interested in a particular domain, they PM me, and I'll unlock the domain and PM them an activation code (AuthentiCode) that they can use with their ISP to take over the domain (if that ISP supports it). There's absolutely no money involved anywhere (of course if someone takes a domain, and registers it with their ISP or some other hosting service, they'll have to pay their hosting/registration fees).

    Would anyone be interested in that, in principle?

    If so, I'll list the domains here.
  2. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Ill take some off hands if no one wants them...I can always use them for catchalls :)
  3. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    OK, I'll post a list of the domains here shortly! :)
  4. Juster

    Juster Regular Member

    He, who isn't interested in free stuff uh? Just show the list, you'll never know.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    we love free stuff :)
  6. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    Free stuff is neato dude :)
  7. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Wow inb4 its all gone LOL ...Well domains are really handy for what I do and use them for...Every domain is a new catchall for ummm stuff :P
  8. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    OK, so here's the list of domains. Where necessary, I've added an English translation of the name in parenthesis, so you know what the names mean (usable for multi-language pages / redirectors and stuff). (means: "order relay service") (means: "internet inquiry service") (means: "saurus claw")

    Any takers? :)
  9. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Ill take the .com
  10. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    OK noted! :)

    ---------- Post added 09-14-2010 at 12:01 AM ---------- Previous post was 09-13-2010 at 10:51 PM ----------

    I've just learnt that companies like GoDaddy charge $10 for a domain move - of course, as I stated in my first post, if you take a domain you've got to be prepared to pay all domain hosting costs that normally occur when hosting a domain (some money is paid to the registrar (=NIC), which used to be like $17 per year or so, and some will go the ISP).

    So, is anyone willing to take one or more of the domains? :)
  11. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Just one more clarfication: You'll get only the domain name for free -- you'll have to take care of all domain moving processes which probably will incur some cost depending on your hosting contract.

    If you plan to move the domain manually (not with an automated system that can handle the AuthentiCode mechanism), there'll be some paperwork involved, and I'll only unlock the domain when you notify me.

    You can get all the current registry information from your NIC, in case you need it.

    Of course, before you can seize a domain, I'll have to unlock it. I currently still have all domains locked (except the one Cerberus wanted to take a look at), to avoid seizure of the domains by automated systems.

    If you message me, you'll get the AuthentiCode(s) for the (then) unlocked domain(s).

    ---------- Post added at 03:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 AM ----------

    p.s. the domains are all as good as unused -- don't expect a web statistics service to spit out a "worth" for those domains.
  12. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Can a US resident register a .de domain?

    I know stateside with .us you have to be a US resident or business and agree to keep it hosted stateside in order to register a .us domain.
  13. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    Frankly, I have no idea. When you use the US NIC, it appears you could register a ".de" domain.

    We in Germany can register ".com" domains, which are normally US-based (countries like England have "" for that, and ".de" Domains can be used for anything in Germany -- business, private, organization etc.).

    People register domains in foreign countries all the time, like "" is probably a US-based site, but ".ly" is in Lybia.

    So I think it should be possible! :)
  14. Juster

    Juster Regular Member

    Nothing in there for me, thanks nonetheless.

    Big Dan: As fas as I know (I register allot for customers) you can register .de without any problems. Moving should not give any extra costs and prices are between 7 Euro and 10 Euro.
  15. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    I am waiting on a reply from my ISP to see if I could have it done for free
  16. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    I have .me domains so I don't see why you can't have the .de extension.

    I think namecheap is free to transfer.
  17. MadMikeyB

    MadMikeyB Regular Member

    I have a .us domain ( and I'm a UK citizen and declared that I'm an 'entity' and that's that.
  18. Juster

    Juster Regular Member

    But they can take the domain of you like that. I am in domainbiz and know guys who's domains were taken without notice. It probaly will not happen with low profile names, but still.
  19. Monster

    Monster Admin Talk Staff

    I've unlocked all domains now. Here's the AuthentiCode for all the domains: 4fRKfh7DSpfx b7R77e4Es32N S5bk9Rn2b84d 4An7G2rmqLvD Sb4mbUHc6g8L Sb4mbUHc6g8L 54GKd6QUrpJ6 NPQQcPUe5h2K 2mSn4gT8Pu8Q q64882dM6dE6

    If you take a domain, post about it here, so others know that you've done so.

    If a domain has become unavailable, it might've been grabbed by a an automated service (either initiated by a human or a program).

    The codes (except for badtastemag, which has been generated earlier) will be valid for 30 days starting with today.

    I'll try to post new ones when the time has expired.
  20. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    Nice sharing :) I am still working on the .com if my host says no..I will just post it here also :)

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