The files are saved in .png. I can change the fonts to whatever you would need written on them. The .zip file includes the small version previewed as well as a larger version that are the same height as the smaller version so you can set it up to have the large image show up when they scroll over the buttons.
I figured they should be another color since they're different from the rest of the buttons. If someone's interested in using them and doesn't like the colors I can change them up.
Thanks. I wanted the text bigger but because of the size of the button it didn't really work. Here's an example of the larger version and the text is much easier to read on these.
I'm using the big and small in a mouse-over template, so they actually look pretty good. Still a bit of tinkering left with the coding, but I trust you, they look great.
Nice work - I like them. Havok, another member here, did something similar, except he only used Monotype Corsovia (spell?) - looks great. Nice work, keep it up!