Fraudulent Host - DriveHosting

Discussion in 'Domains, Hosting and Servers' started by Phoenix11, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    I felt it best practice to bring this to your attention regarding a fraudulent host I have discovered, namely DriveHosting, the fraudster seems to have copied the entire site of TD Web Service from Gampelutzstrasse 17 9493 Mauren, Liechtenstein, please note these 2 selected web pages from each site.

    If you look around each site and each page you will notice how the full TD Web Services site has been copied and edited and replaced with some data by DriveHosting.

    Please be wary and avoid at all costs, DriveHosting is a scam!!
  2. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

  3. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Just replied to your thread now, copying European hosts and using images from other websites is very suspicious in my eyes
  4. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

  5. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Actually the theme is a paid theme so how does that make my company fraudulent if i may ask?
  6. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Theme fine, copied data word for word = fraudulent *insert slap head smilie here
  7. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Like i said you are not to clever the words and text on the theme are default kid! try to play investigator in an area that you excell in because themes and plain investigating is not for you.
  8. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    I to have bought themes with default crap built into them, and aired the theme before i have replaced some of the default .. Easily done ..
    DriveHosting likes this.
  9. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    Question is we are NOT talking about themes here, we are talking about the data that has been blatantly copied and a few words here and there changed from TD Wed Services, now I'm sure a default wordpress theme DOES NOT come with a companies copyrighted data already supplied in it now does it?
  10. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    TD Web Services

  11. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Im just done obviously you do not understand man just eh good day bruh your worthless with no understanding.
  12. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    I do understand that this is now your second attempt at copying another website for personal gain, case closed me thinks!!

    And more proof that you can't answer without resorting with an attempt at a pitiful insult, shows your level of maturity and to call yourself a ceo, don't make me laugh, you are just worker at a fast food restaurant that creates fake websites in order to defraud innocent people from their hard earned cash.

    Have a nice day now!!
  13. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Your understanding is 0.
  14. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

  15. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Can someone please explain to this guy a default fully loaded theme.
  16. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    Hey DH,
    I am not really in this as I don't care. I don't have any issue with you and I honestly have never used your services before so I cant say anything about that.

    However as a Potential Customer, it does look bad to me. Instead of you going through the Process of telling us what the deal was. you
    1. Claim it is a default theme
    2. THen immediately dismiss the people above.

    if there is No Validity to their claims, I'd do my best to make sure to put those doubts out. This is harmful to your company because it makes it seem like you are copying someone else. Reading the stuff it does look like you are in the wrong and this is the time you defend your company and not use weak excuses.

    I've seen Default themes. I use Default themes.
    So do @Sheldon and @Azhria lilu at XA

    Here is a Screenshot of their Footer at XA...I am almost positive that "Buy us a Beer" is apart of Audentio's skins by default. That is there by default. They also do not hide the fact that it is from Audentio either. And they also have in their other part of the footer(I didnt get that part) something ORIGINAL to their site.

    Let's say you are right and you are being accused of something here. Considering you are a business, I'd make sure any texts on my website was my own words. No Paraphrase or whatever. I'd changed it up as soon as I brought the skin and at least before I started selling services.

    This also does not explain that person's photo you used and then removed.

    Again I am not coming down on you. But this is someone you have offered services too and I wanted to learn a little more about you and your company and It makes me nervous about going to you guys. This is the time you as the Owner or whatever you are of Drive Hosting to speak up and make your case with an actual ARGUMENT and a base to stand on or own up to it.

    But using the "It's a Default theme" scheme is a bit weak.
    Autopilot and Phoenix11 like this.
  17. Sheldon

    Sheldon Dreamsmasher

    Confused as to why I am tagged?
  18. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Was coming in to say the same thing.
  19. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member


    Well all that will be worked on today, We brought on the new theme slightly after DH was hacked and we stayed down for quite some time, our servers never went down just the official website. During this time we did not essentially have any problems with our customers because we are still in contact with them from our support login page which happen to still be up and we could also be contacted by email or mass server email. We took a big hit in sales from climbing over 1k to a stand still, but during this time out Innovation did not stop we lost about 40 customers that were monthly customers due to the fact that they were under the impression that the server was insecure but at this time DH was not hosted on a private server actually owned by us we were hosted by HostGator.
    During the time after the hacking many innovative measures were taken to ensure DH would never experience this problem again.

    1. DriveHosting is now hosted on a private server which is located in our Houston Data Center in which for the most part my technicians are in control of as well as myself I visit 3 times out of the week.
    2. SSL was introduced to DH in which we have I am uploading it back as we speak.
    3. Custom security scripts were added to 2 of our Tier 1 data centers which are the Houston and North Carolina Locations.
    4. Server security and location security was enhanced we took on 13 more security professionals as well as signed contracts for locational services.
    5. An extra layer of security was added to our main server locations as well as SAN storage locations.
    6. A custom security control panel was added to most users cPanel for security and instant notifications of security alerts protocols.
    So from the time of the DH incident we have tremendously stepped our security measures. We are currently running on a private hosting server and looking to continue to innovate.

    Most of the DriveHosting pages are being updated as we speak I guess ive been caught up doing other things other than most of the important things that I should be doing on the front end of the site, Ive been concentrating on server issues, contract etc, but today I shall get everything done.

    @Superboy and you are absolutely right excuses should not be used, but I really do not like the way users are badgering a company with many false accusations as to copy and pasting other sites when clearly it is not copy and paste it came on the theme and just was not updated yet, but it will be updated today.

    Other than that please feel free to ask anything you want I have no problem answering any questions, but if I feel like your trying to continue to badger my company then of course im going to take offense to it.

    Im not saying I do not take opinions or constructive criticism but there is a limit.

    Well thanks.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2014
  20. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Regular Member

    That's strange, why would you lie about this?


    So your website is actually hosted by at their servers in Seattle, not your own private server in 'your' Houston Data Center.

    You claim to have servers at Downtown Houston, Oakland and Greensboro, following a search of 32 data centres in Houston, 1 in Oakland and 5 in Greensboro, not one of these has as a tenant.

    Can you not look more suspicious? What lies are you going to come up with next?
    pixelek and SneakyDave like this.
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