To be honest, in my personal naivety and belief that no person can be so stupid, I highly doubt we'll see anything to that effect. Edit- and the fact a person can make such a sarcastic joke about it and others like me can even get a good chuckle out of it, is an embarrassment for any company, which really and terribly should never ever happen again. Scott I wonder how much time they will allow for IB/VB issues?
Forum con is almost upon us, any one got any last minute predictions on how it will proceed. Will anyone from AT be attending?
If I lived close to the event I'd probably consider doing this year. There are a number of people attending I'd like to verbally bash in the ear and a couple of others I'd like to have a pleasant conversation with.
Oh, that would be vB's total and final death. I highly doubt IB's management would be that stupid. They wouldn't surprize me too much though, if I were wrong. Scott
I think forumcon it's just am American thing as well. About the only ones who appear interested in it, with it being held in US all the time.
Isn't ips a US company? What i wanted to say is, that NOBODY cares about forumcon. too expensive, no useful content, etc......... My 0.02$ => Unbelievible that people PAY to hear this
None knew about XenForo it was said a few times. WOW! All those "leaders" and not one was up to date with what is happening right under their noses? Of course this has nothing to do with VB and IB being sponsors and XF not being a sponsor. Could it? NAH!!