ForuMansion has once again returned! Brought to you by Red Herring and LunarScorpio, the forum has had new life breathed into it. For those of you who have never heard of or been a part of ForuMansion, it is an advertising forum which offers a variety of services for you to utilize for and on your forum, blog, and/or website. Wondering how to acquire these services? By use of our forum currency, Rubits! Wondering what makes ForuMansion different from other forum promotion sites? Eh...not much, at least as of now. What we do have to offer though, is that feeling of nostalgia and a long-lost friend's least to those those who have ever been part of it. So stop on by and give Foru Mansion a looks-y! Don't forget to REGISTER, it only takes a minute. We'll see YOU there! Index | Services | The Salon | The Soiree
Another promotion forum, some of the members names look a tad familiar, is this a breakaway by some who have got a bit p***ed off with Nerdie at Forum Promotion ?
The forum looks nice but I've never understood why anyone would stay as an active member after they post a thread advertising their forum. IMO you'd be better off branding it less of a promote your forum forum and more of a competitor to this site. There'd more of an incentive to be part of a "community" and get to know other members by staying around to talk about other things rather than just post my link and disappear for good.
I've just taken an actual look at the forum, and I have to say the design just puts me off from joining, it looks like something a kindergarten dreamed up.