Howdy Folks, As you've probably noticed I've upgraded the forums here. We're now running vBulletin 4.1 the latest and greatest. You guys are my test bed hence yous get the new software first. Everything should work the same. I need to get with Rob to work on the header logo but aside from that everything should work as expected. If yous notice anything out of order just holler. Thanks, Dan
Um, No, not even close. My screen has reverted to the default color, with no way to change it back. Answering posts is different too. Also, it seems I can't find a way to click on the "new posts" normally found in the upper right hand corner. EDIT: Found "New Posts" in left hand corner. Still wish I could change the colors back... Um, Where the hell is the "Thanks" button? EDIT: Never mind- found it on the other side of the posts... EDIT: OK, can't change the colors, and can't find smilies...
I agree, I hate the default color, and there needs to be some sort of background, it gives me a headache with the ultra white background. However, other than the colors, I think I like it better.
Joe, when you hit reply, hit "go advanced" and say hello to smilies:winkpill: and apparently we do not have high enough permissions to change the colors but if admin juices us just a bit........i'm just sayin.
As Paradigm noted the Go Advanced Button shows smilies as it always did. The color changer we previously had is no longer compatible with this version. I'll install a couple more style choices for yous over this weekend. Those color changes only have to with your profile not the actual colors of the forums/threads. I can enable profile customizations it if you like they normally end up looking like a MySpace profile though.
1) OK, but used to be that the smilies were on the side of the reply box and I just clicked on them- didn't have to "go advanced" except to edit. 2) Used to be able to change color scheme with a click to the to right corner - how is it done now?
1) The new version defaults to using the quick reply at the bottom of the page instead of kicking you to the full reply page like it did previously. I'll see what I can do about adding some smileys to the quick reply. 2) The color changer isn't compatible with this version. I'll setup a couple more styles shortly to give you guys more of a choice. The frog will be back once Rob gets his rear in gear.
The frog is back for now. He's a little off color with the background but he'll do until I can figure out what I'm doing style wise. Style wise it looks like I'm going to have to pony up cash. The free offerings for vB 4 aren't very good at all. For smilies yous are going to have to click go advanced to get the smilies for now. Once I finalize a style decision I'll hack the template to put smilies on the quick reply.
Thank you Dan....are you accepting donations to help with the $$$ if so please let us know how we can help:biggrinpill: thank you also for bringing the frog back:biggrinpill:
Thanks Athena. This place isn't that expensive to run yet. I'll have the money set aside within a few weeks.
wel just let us know...I'm sure a number of us would be happy to contribute a little something:biggrinpill:
Dan...quick question concerning the 'What's New' and the 'New Posts' links. What's the difference? And, is one supposed to duplicate the 'Unread Posts' hack that V3.8 utilizes?
For the forum only the buttons are the same. The What's New button is mainly for the suite and shows new items globally (blogs & CMS). The you have X unread posts next to the last login time under Log Out on top right is the newest version of the unread posts hack.