For me to keep coming back to a forum, it has to be pretty active and have a nice staff team and owner.
Same here.. another thing that attracts me to a forum is when they have a nice design+content. If they dont have both than im not interested.
The content of the community, the community itself, and possibly the staff members. I like good communities - where I can learn, or share my ideas.
I agree the content, and a friendly staff is very important for a site to keep their members coming back, and bringing in new members.
Design, content, staff, and software are the big factors for me. For example, if I come across a forum that I think looks interesting, but I scroll to the bottom and see that it is powered by MyBB, I quickly find that 'X' button on the tab or the back button.
You really hate MyBB that much? Its a great software. And I dont need to scroll to the bottom, I can just tell what software a forum is using.
Another vote for the content of the community for me, I would'nt go to a forum where the content as low quality or the admin was rude, etc. also it has to have an "easy on the eyes" style too.
Yea its always great to be on a forum where the admin is very friendly thats another reason for me to be active on a forum.
Yea, if your not made feel welcome, you would'nt want to go back, just like when you are shopping or on holiday somewhere for example.
I would say that activity comes first, then the way staff treat people / interact with the community, and finally a well rounded design that doesn't blind you or make your eyes hurt.