Forum Tabs

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Ak Worm, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Can anyone lead me to the non ajax tabs that you can choose to put more
    than one forum into. I cant seem to find it anywhere. Thanks :D
  2. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Here ya go:
    Tabbed Forum Home

    Version 1.01 is what you are looking for - I cant help with the setup though as I didn't use it until I became beta for 2.0.

    Depending on what you are trying to do it may pay to hold off until 2.0 is released.
  3. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Thanks man, i'll be sure to try them out. I can do it myself, its pretty easy to handle.
  4. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

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