I've noticed that as forums age, there are regular members who often grow tired of seeing the same questions and topics repeated, and of course then instruct people on how to use the search feature. Of course, this can be intimidating to new users who don't know the community well, and are not familiar with the previous topics or even what keywords would be best be used for a search. Any thoughts on encouraging a better balance?
I would have it published somewhere on your site that pointing members to the search feature may be quick and easy but it hardly is inviting for the new members nor is it gainful for your forum, you are most likely losing new thread creation because of it. It rather gets on my nerves when people do this. Best of luck!
As a website owner, i have taken this upon myself to fix. I try to answer all questions personally. I too have asked my moderators not to tell someone to "search". I have my mod's at minimum, post a link to the answer of the question. In the end though, it is up to the owner of the site in how this is handled. I hate telling new members to search, i find it rude and that answer just doesn't look good.
Would a friendly reminder be done using vBs Notification function for particular usergroup or w/e criteria? Particularly the reminder or message is for the veterans to engage, not raise the nose. Conversely, a Notification for new users...I have always considered this, or more like a page that contains all the general How Tos or What is that type thing, that is far and above the default FAQ. Just a thought and this helped remind me of my own action in this regard, b/c all communities are different with their cultures in this respect. Edit, I like hotwheels approach. as teh admin, set the example and respond, either directly with the response or links to the other related threads.
We have had similar problems recently with members requesting threads to be locked all the time, those threads of new members too as theres similar threads which were made say a month or two ago, so much that we had to write up something on the subject as it simply was not what we wanted happening. Fair enough members make forums what they are but when they start doing things that can negatively impact the other users and especially new users as well as forum growth you need to draw the line.
The "If you aren't posting the answer, or something helpful other than a link to the search" don't post at all rule
Thats the big problem with situations like these, you dont just want to tell people how to act/behave, but you sometimes need to.
After some thought, I think I will have a topic about this in our private moderator forum, and hopefully we can develop a policy to help set the tone. Thanks for the feedback.
Not to mention searching doesn't always reveal the answer. You have to know the keyword or phrase to search by. I actually left a forum because someone always answers those questions with a statement like, "I know the answer but it's really simple and you can find it if you'd read the manual." If I had the time to read the manual I wouldn't have asked.
just try to swoop in and give the right answer it increases the chances of showing up for multiple/broad search terms.. just don't copy/paste the same answers over and over
mods and staff take it upon themselves to answer questions but to be honest i havent come across this scenario yet...but i have been a member on other forums where this happens and they typically have a setup which includes:- 1) A wiki (very comprehensive and well detailed) 2) Stickies of the most common questions and their answers 3) Welcome mail and PM provide links to these resources and how to use them
i was on a forum and they got loads of newbies joining and asking questions, so i made a sticky thread explaining how to do things on the forum (send pm's, post pictures, avatars, signatures, link to the rules, contact the staff, put people on ignore...) and will direct members to the sticky threads or help them out. i try and be friendly because the clique of oldie members who think they are above the mods are rude to everyone