Forum Halloween Ranks

Discussion in 'Free Graphics' started by Michael, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    You may use this set on your forums if you wish. Theyre Halloween themed and could be fun for use on the 31st of October :D



    Administrator and Super Mod are animated, all are in GIF format and are white matted. Slight alterations can be made if requested.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  2. Those are really cute Michael! Great job!
  3. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Thanks :D
  4. Tex

    Tex Adept

    Awesome work, thanks Michael!
  5. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Is anyone using them now or on Halloween? It would be lovely to see how they look live :D
  6. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    These are great, Michael!
  7. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Thanks! With these good responses I have also posted them on the .org for people on there too.
  8. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    nice..i was looking for a nice, simple set of halloween ranks to use for a few days...and these are it..check em out if you want..

    thanks again!!

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