Forum guidance

Discussion in 'Member and Staff Management' started by Pope Viper, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Pope Viper

    Pope Viper Newcomer

    Hi folks -
    Right now, I'm running a general discussion board, but with the impending release of vb 4.0, I'll be switching focus to a more game/RPG oriented site, which I hope will be a bigger draw.

    That being said, I'm wanting to get some standards down, in terms of attachment/avatar/sig sizes, as well as what you folks use for terms of service/rules/etc.

    Would you be willing to offer your insight?
  2. Dan

    Dan Future Proof


    Have a good strong set of terms and conditions, checkout mine in my forums which are pretty much the same (they're in my sig) and checkout the ones you agreed to when signing up here.

    Though as for avatars and member-specific conditions, I recommend using your usergroups well, and making 'other levels' with more permission rights.

    What you're avoiding in doing so, is spam members and people taking the pee out of your forum. Though what you're aiming to encourage, is members being more active, and aiming towards getting a better 'status' (a higher usergroup) with more privileges.

    Sorry I can't be more specific. Perhaps others will be able to.
  3. EdgeOfVanity

    EdgeOfVanity Addict

    Mine is a general discussion forum (we've only just moved to Vbulletin - link in sig!) and I am currently working on our revised guidelines and emphasis on rules.

    As Dan said, you need to increase activity. In my personal opinion, I don't think avatar sizes/signatures and attachments etc should be regarded as a privilege - I think that more emphasis and focus should be put on the user title and reputation feature. Your forum is likely to look a tad messy if everybody has a varying avatar size etc.

    However, I can't stress enough how important it is for you to create a terms/conditions/guidelines topic!

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