Forum Descriptions

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Skye, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. Skye

    Skye Newcomer

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section i really had no idea where it fitted.

    Do you have trouble coming up with your descriptions for your forums or do they come to you with ease? Is it more what to call the forums and categories that gets you?

    For me i can think up names in minutes but descriptions take so long. I am horrible at them.
  2. Stream

    Stream Newcomer

    Not really.

    I name the forum in a way that doesn't need a description, I do add a very small one for those very few who don't get it though.

    If a forum is named well it shouldn't need a hefty description.
  3. At first, yes! I had to get ideas from other forums.

    Here, you can take a poke around at mine!
  4. Skye

    Skye Newcomer

    Your descriptions are really good and descriptive. Did they take long to come up with.
  5. No, not really. These were just ideas that came from many other forums. I did much browsing to see what others had, and I picked out all the ones I liked.

    As an FYI, most of our forums our closed for today. You can register, or use the login details below to see the rest of them. They'll be back tomorrow for viewing again...

    User: testuser2
    pass: test1234
  6. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Nah. My forum is a general chat forum, so basically descriptions are basic and to the point.

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