If I had the creative talent to whip up something like that, I'd do the same - at this rate, however, it'd take me a few days to grasp the sheer concept of creating a wallpaper image.
Haha, I have making wallpaper because me the huge canvas, most me the time is hard to fill it up while keeping it attractive and not messy. I rarely make wallpapers for that reason. It takes a lot of patience and not be distracted.
The quality is horrible since I took the picture with my phone, it is a teaser anyways. This PSD design will be 3 stages, home page, portfolio and about me. I have only developed the home, I an doing another design at the same time for uhh... I will keep that a secret? Anyhow, here http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk303/BioAlchemistBabe/Mobile Uploads/1252373015.jpg
Wow, just looking at that super-crappy, ultra-sucky, sore-sight-to-my-eyes screen capture, I already like that design! I hope you use it, just so we can see how it looks on a live site.
You really do have some amazing work here! I need to ask, tho...are you really that good at drawing anime??? Or are they screen caps? Either way, you blow me away right now. :o <-- grrrr...
Most of them are screencaps, other are posters and the vector was all me. I render them anyways, most, some other are random ones. Thank you for your compliments. I am glad you like my work.
My newest creation to be made on a MyBB forum Another creation that might be brought to life, inspired by Arny And my circus
Do you build all of your styles in Photoshop or Illustrator and then slice them up to work on a site? Or is it Fireworks? To be honest, I've never used Fireworks... I'm NOT fan of Disney (the man or the machine), but that one is particularly appropriate for the appearance that they would like to keep up. Um...yeah...I really did mean that as a compliment. Cide is really cool. Black and yellow really do work well together! I hate bees. But yes, that site is very pleasing to my eyes. And I LOVE your circus! That's the most creative site I've seen in a looooong time. Thanks for posting your inspiring work, FMB. I'm sure I'm not the only one that appreciates you showing what can be done with an eye like yours.
I am an all out photoshop user, everyone who works with me and everyone I make designs for have experienced the transition I make from PSD to MyBB[which is the only software up till now I make PSD'd for, will expand later on] Cide is supposed to be a really "vibrant" theme, I will be incorporating a quick theme[color] changer since it actually goes well with a lot of other colors. xD I hate bees to!!! The disney one, I like disney, not a FAN, but they make some of my favorite anime movies from the Ghibli studio. The circus one was pretty much inspired by the wallpaper I made[here] and the wallpaper I made was inspired by Ryan and his MAC wallpaper posted here.
FMB, do you happen to have a portfolio-based website? If not, it's something that you should consider creating - work that is this good is worthy of its own home on the web!
Both her and I will have our own separate portfolio websites along-side Setsou. She's been working on the PSDs for them.
Not yet ^^ But with SD me and Dave will both have our own portfolios of our work and just be *us* http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk303/BioAlchemistBabe/EffEmmBee.png <--This will be mine and I am still working on Dave's but I got the structure down http://i25.tinypic.com/28asx01.png <--Take in consideration that is JUST a structure and so not the actual colors that will be added. I don't intend on leaving it black and white, I just wanted to get creative.
Thank you!! Yes, just keep tabs on SD when we open and you will be exposed on tuts based on what me and Dave do. ;D