Yep! I''m still working on the winter theme, thank you for the pointers. I'm puzzled what to do for the actual forum categories as I want to keep the whole winter, snowman, snow thing going through out the whole design.
I think you'll have to be generous with the heights if you want to maintain this theme with the .tcats. I have the height of mine at 57px but 60px would be a good height to start with so you have a little flexibility on the designs you can and want to put in. I would personally go with the snow on the tcats like I've done on my theme. Or maybe just a standalone snowman on the left of the cat and some holly, candy cane a robin (bird) maybe on the left. I'd still possibly have the snow on top of the tcats to maintain that christmassy feel though but that's just me. I think my last years style forum icons had flashing lights, not to flashy but more of a slow pulsating so it's not to much for members. Maybe this is something you could look into for that area. Regardless of that I'm sure anything you come up with will be good and look forward seeing the updated versions of this screenshot.
Yeah. Sorry if I don't say the names, since most of you use vB, I'm sure it's called tcats what I call thead. DX and tcats for me are what you guys call thead in vB. A bit confusing, no?
Usually they start with .t<name>, I say 62 px - 65 px is a good starting point. Don't forget to add a class of image at the bottom of each table like icicles and such.
I've just asked what thratoids are to two of my friends and one says it's sounds like a german sausage and the other said a swine burger. I checked on google hopefully giving me some insight on what this word means and it came up with nothing. LOL I'm going to bed....
Por un Puerto Rico Libre by *FullMetalBabe1 on deviantART :o Small Bump, ? I was feeling very bad yesterday because of our situation in PR. So I decided to make this. I'm still newbish to typography art!
I like the type, but I especially love the colours (specifically variation of colours you used throughout this piece. The brush work isn't bad, and the rustic feel looks quite nice. The more I look at it the more I love the colours in this. Could make way for a very nice style if you could adapt this over.
Thanks!!!(sorry for the late response! I just saw this D My friend is over because our community doesn't have lights(it's been almost one day) so I decided to use his photoshop. I searched for three fonts I had installed on my computer and thought would go great on this next image you will see and well, without my stuff I was able to make something. X3 Enjoy. It's supposed to be a fake small 'website'.
There was a good article about it, that I read the other day. If I can find it again, I'll link you to it.
Warning!!! Spending a lot of time on Shelley's vBsmiley site will inspire you!!! Shelley bug IS contagious!!!! She's just that awesum. I was because her smileys are so awesum and mine look like... -> ,so I started working hard. 'Tis was soo hard!!!! sometimes it got TOO hard! and I got , but 'Tis was oki, since I worked to hard, my smileys got better! was the outcome, Shelley thought giving it a shadow would help it look better, so she showed me show to make really good shadows and not blurry. Blurry: Not blurry: I was like I've gotten better! If you want, you can! . Seriously I hope you all liked this smiley filled post If you don't I'm sowwie. -------- Yeap, that's my smiley work(I have a couple more). I am more comfortable with pixels rather than what Shelley does which is soft edged.
I LOL'd. Possibly the most entertaining post I've read this week that wasn't someone burning another person.
She did another great post using smilies a while back when we added a bunch of them here. It was fantastic and gave me a good laugh, too.
Nominated for post of the week. Brilliant, Great to see another smiley creator posting their works. And, keep at it, you'll be getting better with each day that passes and it's showing. I'm fast becoming a fan of you animated pixel smiley work. I think they look absolutely great.