First Forum :)?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Trealix, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Ahh ok. Is Defenxenforo yours also?
  3. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Regular Member

    DefendXenForo is a collaborative effort. I just give it server space and help admin it but there are five of us in the group.
    Terrorz likes this.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Oh ok, yea it makes sense to be a community effort to run it.
  5. Teg

    Teg Regular Member

    My first Real forum was Integrity designs. Well first successful forum. Eventually we died, and I joined G101, and Solid Snake Designs. Then they both died, so I left proboards... I don't really use them much anymore..
  6. kilcher

    kilcher Regular Member

    Mine was, which I started in December of 2000 and still run. We have 45,000+ registered members and 2.75+ million posts.
    Terrorz likes this.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Wow a decade old forum. Congrats
  8. el canadiano

    el canadiano Regular Member

    My first taste of forum manangement was a forum called The TV Room with Antarctic on FP. Back in the day, it was SMF 1.0.5.
  9. Infernhawk

    Infernhawk Regular Member

    A free Forum called Pokemon Galaxy. It was much better than my current one but it got hacked.
  10. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Sorry to hear. Hopefully your current site succeeds.
  11. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

    I wanna be like your forum when I grow up. Amazing!
    Terrorz likes this.
  12. BlazingBlue

    BlazingBlue Regular Member

  13. Kius

    Kius Regular Member

    My first forum was The Rogue Forums (TRF), a general community with a Sci Fi kick. We were online for almost 5 years, until I sold the site earlier this year due to lack of funds (I never place ads on my sites), and decreased activity.
  14. ShadyX

    ShadyX Regular Member

    mine was when i was 13 and it was cool at the time untill i decided to dissapear and the domain expired lol
  15. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    My first forum is my current forum, technically... started out on InvisionFree in January 2005, switched to MyBB (starting fresh) that September and have been up since.
  16. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Good to know... didnt know you could convert from Invisionfree, they gave backups?
  17. bejay

    bejay Regular Member

    Mine was called "Aussie Chat" or some variation of that. It was a ProBoards Forum and I tried designing it! :P
  18. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Like many of you guys, Forumotion was my very first host, and the site was Marie 1988. Started the site almost right after I graduated from high school. I figured it made sense to start on a host like Forumotion, because I knew nothing about running a forum and it all looked pretty basic. Well, things were kind of going good, but then the host turned crappy on us and they seemed to think that Friday night was updates night (or so it seemed to me) I had a fair few members get pissed off at me because we had downtime that was not my fault at all, and I eventually ended up leaving Forumotion (I think it was around the same month the site was created) as I was tired of all the crap going on over there. Of course, being fresh out of high school, and not even 20 years old at the time didn't help either. I was at the immature stage for the longest time as I knew nothing about running a forum. In fact, Chatting Time, my current project, is probably the best forum I've ever had. I had Marie 1988 on advanced hosting once before, and we did fairly well, but we barely made it to 70 members. and I don't know how many posts at the time. Now we're with PlutoHosting, at almost 5,000 posts, and we're slowly sneaking our way up to the 90 member mark, and I gotta say I'm very pleased with how far away we've come since August of 2010. It's been a long, hard road and I'm loving every minute of it. I wouldn't trade this in for anything right now.
  19. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    I didn't convert; I just opened up a new forum and started over. We hadn't had many posts at that point anyway, so it wasn't a huge difference. I believe they do let you export/download your data - for fee based on the size of your forum.
  20. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Ah okay, yea I just thought you merged because of how they give backups.

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