Two things that I've learned about marketing: 1) Whatever you do, make it MEMORABLE. It's not about perfect graphics or layout, it's about MEMORABLE. It MUST stick in the mind of the contact. If it's a mailing, it MUST have something that will keep the contact from circular filing it with all the other look alikes. Follow up....follow up....follow up.... Much of finding new venues is about timing. They may just not be ready YET. However, if the remember YOU, even months later, they will call you. 2) Find your HOOK. This is not only a part of being memorable, but what makes you STAND OUT from the rest. No, I'm not talking about how many songs you have ( everyone can buy songs) or your speakers, or your mics, etc.... ( They can be bought too...). Find out the most different thing about you and devise a way to use it as a selling point..... Thoughts?....
Actually got an audition out of: "Are you thinking of inflicting Karaoke on your customers? At least make it GOOD karaoke." After hearing about some things going on in the area I was thinking "Our Host stays sober for the entire show," might make us stand out. Or maybe "Hokey Okey" with the crossed out symbol over it. Okay--just giving your topic a bit of a bump with the usual demented humor.
"2) Find your HOOK. This is not only a part of being memorable, but what makes you STAND OUT from the rest. No, I'm not talking about how many songs you have ( everyone can buy songs) or your speakers, or your mics, etc.... ( They can be bought too...). " I think that my hook involves making people fee appreciated. It is a package of activities that includes one on one people skills, group leadership skills in hosting, and followup communication with customers and clients. I share my enthusiasm with everyone I come in contact with while centering my attention on others, not myself.
We market ourselves to the singers FIRST. We maintain an updated website with our schedule, online songbook, current news about our shows, and snapshots from our shows. We have a Facebook Fan Page where we also post the pictures from our shows and fans can add comments. We collect email addresses from our singers and send out newsletters regularly. These keep interest and attendance high, keeping the venues happy. Then when we talk to a new venue, they see us as a marketing partner, providing them with another channel to potential customers. :yespill:
I use my motto "Go Epic Or Go Home." I tell my potential venues that my karaoke tends to be controlled chaos. I keep a very close eye on all aspects of the show, which allows people to jump up and down, freak out, even get up on the bars and tables... while still making sure everyone is safe and happy. We have our balladers, but they come in knowing that their performance should fill the Grand Canyon with tears, it's that Epic.