Favourite MyBB plugin

Discussion in 'MyBB Discussions' started by Trealix, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. kavin

    kavin Regular Member

    Google SEO and Newpoints. Those helped me a lot in MyBB vs Others debates. lol.
  2. karoshio

    karoshio Regular Member

    Google SEO is definitely up there. I can't think of anything better to me, don't really use many plugins.
    el canadiano and Kaiser like this.
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea it is. MyBB should have a similar URL structure like it for MyBB 2.0.
  4. karoshio

    karoshio Regular Member

    Yeah, definitely, that would be great.
  5. johandr

    johandr Regular Member

    i find myawards, and tabbedmenu the best plugins. they are paid though, and can be bought at mybbcentral
  6. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    I have two favorites:

    - MyBB GoMobile - it adds a very sleek mobile theme and switches you to it automatically when you visit from mobile browsers.
    - Goodbye Spammer - makes it incredibly easy to get rid of absolutely everything a spammer has ever put on your board, and bans the account, in one click.
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  7. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    MyBB GoMobile is pretty nice, and Goodbye Spammer sounds nice. XenForo has a one-click ban feature and spam cleaner by default.
  8. euantor

    euantor Regular Member

    Google SEO for sure and the Patches plugin by frostschutz.
  9. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    Goodbye Spammer takes that a step further - it completely cleans out their profile (all profile fields, signature, avatar), any private messages attributed to them, and literally anything else they may have done. From the looks of it, XenForo's spam cleaner only cleans up threads and posts and bans the account. ;)
    moneymakingmom and Kaiser like this.
  10. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    But I cant complain because I didnt have to install it as a mod, its there as a default feature ;)
    And that does sound pretty nice deleting everything of that certain spammer, as here on AdminBB we had spam attacks, the spammers not only posted but PM'd a good amount of people which I was unable to get rid of.
  11. Tierney

    Tierney Regular Member

    Patches from frostschutz and the MyDownloads plugin from Pirata.
  12. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Pirata makes some very nice plugins, he's well known in the MyBB community.
  13. euantor

    euantor Regular Member

    Pirata's awesome with PHP in general. I'm glad to have merged 360Elites with his site and to admin alongside him.
    Kaiser likes this.
  14. Tierney

    Tierney Regular Member

    Wow. I had no idea you merged and were admin with him. Lucky you. ;)
  15. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I never knew that either, good to know :thumbsup:
  16. moneymakingmom

    moneymakingmom Regular Member

    I've heard good things about the MyBB plug in: My Advertisements which lets admin create multiple advertising zones with multiple advertisements to each zone. The plug in offers a cool advertisement randomization feature so the forum user doesn't get too accustomed to seeing the same ads all the time to the point they start ignoring them.

    My other favorite MyBB plug in, which I have yet to try, is the VigLink plug in that lets the forum owner make money from user posted links. They say it's a seamless way to earn money from a website without showing ads. The Viglink ads convert on the user's way out, appending an affiliate link and then paying commission from affiliate sales generated. Of course, you'd need to actually sign up with VigLink to make this last one work if you're planning to use the plug in.
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea I heard of the Viglink plugin, it would be nice if there was one for XenForo. If I was on MyBB I would definitely use it.
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  18. indigowarrior

    indigowarrior Regular Member

    Theres an award plugin?
    I love the New Points plugin. I have pretty much all of the New Point set. I don't know why, but I feel it encourages members to post knowing they are going to earn stuff for it.

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