Favourite MyBB plugin

Discussion in 'MyBB Discussions' started by Trealix, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    My favourite has to be the Shoutbox, its useful and good.
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    I would choose the MyTheme mod which I made :)
  3. el canadiano

    el canadiano Regular Member

    Google SEO. 'Nuff said.
  4. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    HAHA, It's a Beast!
  5. Trevor

    Trevor Regular Member

    Mine would have to be...
    Google SEO

    I really like how prostats is set up.
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Pro Stats its pretty cool. I would like to see a similar one for xenforo.
  7. Trevor

    Trevor Regular Member

    For some reason I cant get prostats working on my site it shows thats it's activated and what not but idk. I love it because of how I saw it on other forums. And is xenforo a new software? This is the first year I have ever heard about it, it's a very nice software almost like IPB and vBulletin mixed.
  8. el canadiano

    el canadiano Regular Member

    ProStats is alright, but it requires 60+ queries and that's a bit too much for me =/.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea that is ALOT.
  10. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    I quite like the awards plugin. It gives the members a sense of pride if they achieve the award. Like a donator award if they donate to the site etc.
    moneymakingmom likes this.
  11. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    XenForo has one... I was thinking about adding it.
  12. Bamboo

    Bamboo Regular Member

    I like newpoints and Pro stats. Just because they're so useful.
  13. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Awards are always good for communities :cool:
    Kaiser likes this.
  14. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea, I may install it ;)
    moneymakingmom and Ashley.S. like this.
  15. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    You should. It would keep the community active because members would like to achieve them.
  16. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Regular Member

    Google SEO (of course), NewPoints, Goodbyespammer tool, just to name a few :)
  17. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Google SEO... Im amazed he was kind enough to release it for free. I wouldn't be shocked if he wanted to profit from it from it like how vBSEO started. Its a great plugin.
  18. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Regular Member

    Yeah he's a great guy. Takes a bit to figure out and install the plugin, but once it's in, it's awesome ;)
    vBSEO...I don't like it. For some reason they add more than just the SEO. I was on a forum the other day where the admin updated vBSEO and the darn blasted thing added a like feature. I mean come on...the name is vBSEO...YOU DO SEO, NOT LIKE BUTTONS!! /rant lol.
  19. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    lol really? I agree thats just plain stupid. Its like a car custom built with a cotton candy maker.. makes no sense right? Haha.
  20. lucasbytegenius

    lucasbytegenius Regular Member

    I know, right? It made the forum shake to its very roots, we started seeing these old members who had been lurking for literally years start posting again. It was weird. Finally the admin got rid of the button because a lot of people were against the Facebook-like feature it was.

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