I use Cyberduck, and now I can't change it for anything... I find any other is pretty aweful. So yeah, I got used to it, and love it :S I'd only change it for Coda sometime, but I'd need more money lol
I don't want to use it for everything, but I've just discovered WinSCP. I love how you can pull up the command line and how it integrates with Putty!
Hey Nick I wrote a tutorial on copying your Filezilla settings over from one computer to another this way you don't have to enter in all your FTP data all over again.. I hate to self-link but figure you might find it useful: Almost Geek Copy Filezilla Settings From One Computer To Another
I use what ever is available but i have a filezillla loaded into all my flash drives. Its light weight and has everything i need including sftp.
Thanks! It would be extremely helpful to me if I didn't have to reformat my desktop computer and lose all of my data just two days after I got my laptop.
That sucks man. Well you can use it to copy from the laptop to your desktop then. You should have a backup plan in place. Vista and 7 handle backups quite nicely just attach and external and let it go to work. It's pretty much set it and forget it.
90% of my data was backed up to an external drive (backup runs every morning at 4 AM), so no loss there. My backup plan requires that I manually select which folders to back up; I never thought to back up my FileZilla app-data or settings folder. The only things I lost basically were programs and program settings. My external drive saved my life in this situation. I plan to buy one or two more, just in case. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have everything backed up to it. I would have lost hundreds of vital documents, several hundred less-important documents, thousands of images, and perhaps tens of thousands of e-mails. .Oh, and my music library. But that can all be re-acquired through my iTunes account rather easily, I believe.
Nick, if the information is that important to you, then you may want to do an offsite backup occasionally. Monthly?
For me, it's definitely FileZilla. Easy to use, relatively efficient and free, what more can you want?
Filzilla is best but very simple.. better use WSFTP or CuteFTP.. many features like sheduled upload and automatic uploading for the changed files only etc
FileZilla and Total Commander. I use the first when I have a lot of uploads to do and TC is for when I need to upload few files. it works nice with my template coding program.
Filezilla is my favorite, quick and easy to use. The only con it has is it stores you site passwords in clear text.