What is your favorite or preferred FTP program that you use most often? I mainly use FileZilla, but I also often use FireFTP which is a FTP add-on for Firefox which comes in handy for quick up-/downloads.
I have the Firexox plugins, but I don't really use them. My fav is AceFTP Pro. Yes, I actually paid for it, but I love it!
I use FileZilla and have not needed anything but FileZilla. It's done a great job for what I need, so I'm stickin' with it
FileZilla is my favorite too. I've used CuteFTP on occassion though. Does anyone remember Internet Neighborhood. That's the only one I've ever paid for and they went bye-bye under a year later. So nope not paying again for what's perfectly fine free.
Filezilla only because you can drag and drop it's config files from computer to computer and across OS's no need to reenter all your site passwords over and over again. Other than that I use WinSCP where I have ssh access.
Haven't yet tried it on my new Win 7 (64). I'm trying to avoid having to install additional programs at all costs. I mainly use my desktop for powerworking (including things that require FTP) so until I need it on my laptop (the Win 7), I'll keep it off. But your comment makes me anxious to try it.
FlashFXP - I wouldn't use anything else I'm prity much stuck in my ways with having this as my main ftp client.
I use CuteFTP, but after all the comments here I think I should check out FileZilla. Many's the time I need to make a minor change to a file but don't feel like opening another program.
After re-reading this post of mine, I realize it probably makes absolutely no sense. Anyways, I finally tried FileZilla on my Win 7 laptop (64-bit) and gnatster, you are right: it does indeed fly. I love it.