Favorite Forum Software

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Kaiser, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    What's BoostBulletin? Or do you mean Vbulletin?
  2. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Something he coded if im correct.
  3. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Right now, my favorite forum software is Xenforo. It used to be vBulletin 4.
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Shawn Gossman Regular Member

    I'd say IP.Board is my favorite. It does what I need plus more and its modern. XenForo would be next but I have issues with their permissions system at times. vBulletin.... if I was forced to use that, I'd probably get out of the forum business LOL
  5. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    IPB for me as of 2014....I'd give Xenforo a distant second for paid.

    (I'd use SMF for free).

    Ipb is full featured and make lack a certain flair of xenforo but I never had an issue with how the developer's/owners ran their company and communicated with customers and I don't have to rely on 3rd party add-ons to get basic features.

    Though if IPB hasn't announced anything worthwhile as far as IPS4(In regards to a release date) by July, I may very well switch back to Xenforo and see what's new with them....then again ehhh.
  6. Shawn Gossman

    Shawn Gossman Regular Member

    SMF is a good free forum software but I got to plug ElkArte here... Its an SMF-fork project and its like having the features of SMF + Modern benefits like the like button, mentions and so on. Plus they seem to develop a bit faster. my AAF forum originally started out on SMF, but nowadays the project is going downhill fairly quickly.
  7. bauss

    bauss Regular Member

    Xenforo is my favorite paid forum software, and MyBB is my favorite free forum software.
  8. Finish

    Finish Regular Member

    Hands down,
    *Drum Roll*

    Invision Power Board! :D
  9. jinxed

    jinxed Lurker

    In the paid-category I prefer IPB and Xenforo. SMF as free alternative.
  10. Febian

    Febian Regular Member

    for me, Xenforo is the best paid forum software, and MyBB is the best free forum software
  11. River

    River Regular Member

    I like IPB and XenForo a Lot. I think that each one has a better application based on the community.

    For a free software, MyBB is definitely my favorite. However, NodeBB looks interesting.
  12. WooServers

    WooServers Regular Member

    PhpBB and Xenforo .
  13. dyrer

    dyrer Regular Member

    Come on this thread look like dead
    IPB, Xenforo and free myBB
  14. Benzic

    Benzic Regular Member

    Free - NodeBB and ElkArte.net
  15. Creaky

    Creaky Regular Member

    Xenforo or phpBB if going free. The new IPB4 does look good as well though.
  16. Benzic

    Benzic Regular Member

    Any reason for having phpBB over MyBB @Creaky.
  17. Dangelo777

    Dangelo777 Regular Member

    My list included:
    vBulletin (For SEO point of view best)
    Mybb &
    PHP bb
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2014
  18. Florence Jensen

    Florence Jensen Regular Member

    what seems to be the issues with VB CMS?
  19. DragonTech Forum

    DragonTech Forum IT Support Forum

    To be fair IPB is really slick with the admin panel, its features and even its templates.. But i am not keen on how much they are looking for every month due to them mainly hosting their forum software on their hosting servers only.

    SMF is my new fav forum, the community are really helpfull with support and the CPanel is really handy for all the nitty-gritty back end work.

    HOST1PLUS Regular Member

    I personally really enjoy MyBB forum software for a few reasons that I would like to share with you. These are my notifications so far:

    1) It is pretty easy to install
    2) While getting a theme - it can also be easily customized
    3) Mod installation and creation is also very easy
    4) So far, it seems to be very stable and secure enough
    5) The development, navigation and whole UX experience totally satisfies my general needs
    6) No worries about admin control panel

    I would strongly suggest trying it!

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