Whats your plans for fathers day weekend? On saturday, my kids want to go to lake sam rayburn in east texas so we can have a cook out, and do some fishing and swimming. Then we are going to go see my dad on sunday.
There is very long time left until fathers day its like 4-6 months or something here in sweden anyway.
Its Sunday here in the United States. Let's see on Saturday, I'll be working on vBulletin 4 templates so the alpha can be released to testers. In the afternoon and early evening, there is a barbeque at my parent's house. On Sunday, I'll be working on vBulletin 4 template all day. My wife works on Saturdays and Sundays as the animals at the rescue don't care about calendars and holidays. We don't normally do a lot on the weekends.
I filmed this video last summer - 2008. But this is the same lake we will be going to this weekend. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc07UxYTh_I"]YouTube - Fishing with top water lures[/ame]
I took my son to pick out something for his dad. He bought a plaque that says God Bless America - and my dad. (his dad is a veteran). I'll give him more $ to take his dad out to lunch after church on Sunday.
My hubby is up at our lake place already getting ready for us, so the kids won't be with their Dad for Fathers Day. We will be heading up to my parents on Sunday to spend the day with my Dad. My brother and his kids will be there also, and maybe my step-daughter, hubby and kid too. Fathers Day is just another excuse to get together in my family. We always have a great time hanging out together.
Its this sunday in the uk as well. We going to a place in Derbyshire called Dovedale for a walk and picnic
Heh, we were planning on taking a trip up to our lake house, but the weather isn't looking too great for this weekend.
I actually love it when it rains up there. It's on a lake with lots of trees and you can go walking through the trees when it rains and it smells so nice and you can listen to the waves crash on the shore. If you are lucky, you get the lightening storms also way up in the sky. If you aren't so lucky, the power goes out.
Lightning/Thunder storms are intense - I personally love experiencing em' while up there. As it has been raining here for the past week, I think we're "rained out"... we'd much rather hear the haunting cries of the loons rather than wood-crackling thunder booms because of this. If we lose power, it's even more exciting. While everyone else is scared entirely, I'm the one who's always out on the screened porch, eyes bulging.
I'll probably be going over to my dad's on Sunday to hang out for the entire day. I'm not sure what I'm going to get him for it yet. I'm hoping to get it Saturday after I work.
I never met my grandfathers. Grandfather on my father's side decided to go get cigarettes in the early 60s and never came back. I guess he died in 1987. Grandfather on my mother's side died two months before I was born. At least my kids know and can be around both their grandfathers.