Do you have your family posting as members on your forums or do they not want to be involved or you may even keep your forums a secret? What do you think about your family being involved with your forum, do they help you or are they a nuisance or does it just end up with more problems for you than you need? Personally I would hate having my family on our forums as they dont use them already and inviting them may help with posts and discussion but none are avid internet users so introducing them to forums would be quite a step to them.
I rope them into helping whenever possible though. They particularly like the ice cream forum, and use it as an excuse to eat more ice cream.
i have 2 family members (cousins) that are members. I made a password protected section for just us 3....thats a great way for all of us to keep in touch... they live far away from me...and are both on daily. We just chit chat basically...
At the moment, I'm not aware of any family members actively participating on a community of mine. When my local-based car community was up and running, my father was a member due to his self-proclaimed addiction to cars (it runs in the family).
Yup...There stupid when it comes to computers.. I went to a BBQ once with the family and half way through all of a sudden they just started talking about my website, how they found out i have no idea..i was like wtf at first then they got to asking silly questions and stuff... I also feel weird when friends join..idk why...i try to keep them away lol, most of my friends are good with PC's but most not and think they suck..Yet they still use them.
Mine talk about my web sites, but usually get things wrong and end up inviting people I wouldn't really want there. Awkward
None of my family are members, and only my brother knows about my forum. My dad would be quite proud i should imagine, that i was able to do something so complex as make and open a forum. I just dont see my family fitting in on my forum. Maybe one day my brother might, but i should think its quite a while away.
My cousin frequents my Nintendo Forums, but other than that, I'm about the only forum savy person in the family it seems
I do not keep my forums a secret but I don't tell them either unless they ask, wich they never do because no one in my family understand what I do and they are not interested either.
My brother and dad know i run a site, but aren't on there, my mother has an account - as she IS a mother She doesn't really post though, just reads every now and again. My ex husband is on one though, as is my new boyfriend AND my new boyfriends ex-wife AND her new boyfriend... now THAT is a bit of fun
I have a brother who posts on one of my forums as it is a subject he is interested in. Have had a sister-n-law register on one, but never really posted.