How many community owners here base their community around being friendly - and giving members the family like atmosphere community? Friendliness = great way to grow your community, everyone gets to know each other, and their likes, etc.
I like to keep the atmosphere here as friendly as possible.. and like to consider everyone in the community as one big family
I'm like Kaiser. I like to keep the forums nice and friendly as possible, as a forum is one big happy family.
Indeed - and if you don't base your forum around being friendly - then something's wrong, right? How do you feel about communities that are negative?
Communities what are negative and members are posting rudely and always arguing, I don't find that a welcoming place at all nor would I take a second look at it.
Yes I feel like they are family, especially those longer standing members/staff, as you start to get to know them better and better, etc.
I agree... the members that have been around for awhile and you interact with them often are like family, and once you get to know the new members then they are like family as well.