There's a lot that has been happening on Familial Ramblings. Make sure to stop by and check everything out: R.I.P. Dad - My father passed away yesterday and here I share my thoughts and feelings of what's going on. What Makes a Bully? - What do you think makes a bully a bully? Come by and see my thoughts. Are You Going to Protect the Family? - My look at the movie The Blind Side
Familial Ramblings' new theme is officially up for viewing! Stop by and check it out! For more information on the theme, check out the announcement here
Familial Ramblings has been a very busy place as of late. If you haven't stopped by, here's some posts you may have missed: Harassment at My Front Door - Another post about bullying and harassment. What I've gone through and how it was handled. Happy Memorial Day - Wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Day 50 Teeth - My 50th post has been reached! Thanking my readers for reading and discussing the pulling of three of my wisdom teeth. The Smell That Wouldn't Quit - My poor dog got sprayed by a skunk. Learn the techniques we used to try to get rid of the smell. Two Years Ago Today... - Happy Two Year Wedding Anniversary to me! A little mushy, but it has some tips to planning a wedding that may come in handy. I hope that you stop by soon and feel free to leave me some comments!
Haven't been keeping up with Familial Ramblings? No problem! Here's what you may have missed: Striving to Become Skin & Bones - A look at Anorexia Nervosa Internet Blues - Hear about my troubles with not having internet access. Interview 101 - Some tips for what to do before, during and after an interview. Gone but Not Forgotten - How to deal with your significant other being away. Looking Back at Not in 2012 - Looking back at a previous post about what I don't want to do in 2012. Stop on by and make sure to leave me some comments to respond to!
Merry Christmas from Familial Ramblings! Looking for a last minute dessert to make just in time for Christmas? Visit Familial Ramblings to find my recipe for Crackle Cookies, which are easy to make and fun for the kids!
A couple of milestones have been reached over on Familial Ramblings! First, Familial Ramblings is a year old! This year has been hectic, but it sure has gone by fast. Read about why I continue to blog and what plans I have for the future of Familial Ramblings. And secondly, Familial Ramblings has made it to its 100th post with my annual "Not in..." post. Stop by and read through what I've done or experienced in 2012 that I do not want to repeat in 2013 in my Not in 2013 post. Also, please don't forget to vote in the poll regarding what my first giveaway prize should be!
Here's what you may have missed at Familial Ramblings! You Cant get Around the Good Book - Taking at a look at a common theme of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise. Should Children go to School Year Round? - A post asking an interesting question brought up by a website I frequent. I hope you decide to stop on by and share you opinion!
Here are a couple of topics you may have missed on Familial Ramblings: A Not so Family Restaurant takes a look at a restaurant I recently heard about that claims to invite families to their establishment. The Power of Books discusses the importance of reading to children. I hope that you decide to stop on by and don't forget to feel free to leave a comment or two!
My latest blog post is an interview of a forum owner and how her community is like a family. Would you like for me to interview you about your blog or website? Feel free to Contact Me at any time! Familial Ramblings is also now offering an assortment of advertising opportunities! If you're interested, make sure to Contact Me for my Media Kit and rate sheet in addition to asking any questions that you may have!
Haven't stopped by Familial Ramblings? Well, here's what you may have missed! The Other Side of Me: Overcoming Bullying and Mental Health -- A guest post from our very own Tindris about overcoming bullying and mental health issues. Follow-Up to a Not so Family Restaurant -- Taking another look at a restaurant that did/does not provide all the necessities that a family may need when going out for a family dinner. There have also been a few changes and at least one more to come. The "media ramblings" button is now filed under Random Ramblings. I have also added the ability for you to be notified as to when your comment receives a response along with a faster way to subscribe for blog updates. Furthermore, I am still offering advertising space on Familial Ramblings along with the opportunity to order a sponsored post. More details on that can be found by contacting me here. I hope to see you soon at Familial Rambling.
Find out what my thoughts and feelings were as I prepared for my first therapy session. Find out how it went in my latest blog post over at Familial Ramblings. Read In Session today!
Things have been pretty busy over at Familial Ramblings! There have been a few changes made to the site that I hope you all like and of course, some new posts! Statuz: A New, Upcoming Social Network - Learn about the newest, upcoming social networking site, Statuz. In my latest interview, I talk with Anthony about what inspired him to create this website and more! How Books Can Inspire - Take a look at how books have inspired me and make sure to leave me a comment about how books have inspired you! I hope to see you soon!
A couple more posts for you enjoyment can be found over at Familial Ramblings. Don't forget to leave a comment and I will make sure to reply to what you have to say! Is There too Much Competition? - Taking a look at how competition can actually be a bad thing when it comes to children. Vacation on a Budget - Thinking about going on a vacation, but don't have a large budget? See what I did to get a vacation and save money!
There have been quite a few new posts made since my last update. Here's what you may have missed at Familial Ramblings: Creating Meal Plans Your Entire Family Will Love - A guest post looking at how meal plans can improve family meals. Social Networking Drama - It was created for good, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't cause trouble. Look at how social networking can be used to harm others. A Year Past: Remembering an Amazing Friend - A year ago, a close friend passed away. This post is looking at how I have coped with this loss. Posts & Giveaways - I'm looking for feedback from my readers as to when they read Familial Ramblings and if they would be interested in participating in a giveaway. Hope you guys are enjoying reading Familial Ramblings! Don't forget to leave me a comment or two every now and then! Not only do I get to hear your thoughts and opinions, but you can also get two free back-links as an added bonus! See you soon.
What's been going on over at Familial Ramblings you ask? Let me tell you! A Year Ago: RIP Dad: A year ago my father passed away. This post is taking a look at what’s happened since he passed. Top 5 Unforgettable Childhood Memories: A guest post looking back at memories from our childhoods. Is Internet Drama Avoidable?: There's drama everywhere you go including on the internet where you go to try to relax. Check out my views on internet drama. Glee Tackles a Tough Situation: This past week's episode of Glee tackled a difficult subject. Come check out what happened. Help a Student by Taking a Survey!: I was recently contacted by a student looking for some assistants with his dissertation. Stop by and see what he's looking for and what you will get in return. Dancing in the Rain: Pluvia Village Interview: An interview with Snobothehobo on Pluvia Village! How Gift Buying is Like a Box of Chocolates...: A guest post about buying a gift based on what kind of chocolates the other person enjoys. Keychains & Change: Who knew you could learn so much from decluttering your keychain? I sure didn't until now! Hope to see you there soon! Also, don't forget that you can now advertise on Familial Ramblings. You can find my thread in the Admin Talk Marketplace! Until next time!
There's been a lot going on in life and on my blog. Here's what you may have missed: My First Blogging Event: What Hat Should I Wear?: Taking a closer look at my first blogging event and what I learned from it. How to Choose a Care Home: A guest post looking at how to pick a care home for adults with complex needs. Monday, Monday: Mondays come by so quickly. Apparently last week it took me by surprise.
It's that time of the year again, at least for those of us in college. That's right, FINALS WEEK! Come check out my two posts about surviving finals week. One is filled with tips for students and their parents, while the other has tips for the professors out there. Come on by and leave a comment with your tips to surviving finals week! Surviving Finals Week: The Professor Edition Surviving Finals Week
It has been a long while since I've shared updates to what's happening on Familial Ramblings. If you haven't been stopping by, here are some posts you may have missed! Rent and Save: Taking a Look at Campus Book Rentals: Are you a college student or will soon be one? Then this post is for you. Textbooks are expensive, needless to say, but I've found a way to save money and to even make money with this program. Happy Memorial Day: Just a smile post wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Day and giving a reminder to thank those who have fought for us in times of war. Surviving the Graduation Ceremony: You've made it through finals and now it's time to graduate. Come find tips on how I suggest you get through the long, drawn out ceremony. The Benefits of Being Friendly: They say that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Find out why I know this is true. From in Your Face to Invisible: Taking a Look at Invisalign: If you've ever had braces or metal retainer, you know how difficult and annoying they can be. I recently learned more about the Invisalign brand and the products they produce to help you get the smile you've always wanted. Don't forget to leave a comment sharing your opinion!
Yes! Familial Ramblings is still alive and kickin'! It's been a long time since I last updated this topic and quite a lot has been happening at Familial Ramblings. First and foremost, I've switched hosts! After a lot of thought, I knew it was time to make a switch. There have also been a lot of new posts, but to post every post that's been made would take a long time. So instead, I'll give you a list with some of my favorite posts: Old School Blogging - The Fives Edition: My latest post where you get to learn more about me. Find out some of my favorite phrases, movies and more. How to Help Prevent Kidnapping: Times have changed and there are a lot of dangers out there. Find tips and suggestions of ways to help prevent kidnapping. When Plans Don't go as Planned: Find out what happened to my in-laws when they came to visit me for a week. Remember, travel plans don't always go as planned. No-bake Strawberry Tiramisu Trifle: A yummy recipe to take to those summer picnics. 3 Benefits of Counseling: Often people talk about the negatives of counseling, but let's take a minute to learn about some positives. Stop by to learn some of the benefits of counseling. Feel free to leave a comment on the posts sharing your thoughts and opinions!
Here's what you may have missed on Familial Ramblings! Ask Felicia: Fear of the Dark: This is the first in what I hope to become an on-going occurrence on my blog. I ask people to write in with their family, parenting, relationship and mental health questions to which I reply to on my blog. My first "Ask Felicia" post is about helping children with their fear of the dark. The Foundations of a Healthy Family: A guest post that takes a look at what makes a healthy family.