"Extension" of license...

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by MordyT, Jul 12, 2010.

  1. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Saw this on vb.com today, its a couple days old, but I don't visit much anymore...
    So let me understand this, for $30 if my license expired anywhere in the last 12 months, I can renew it... and get access to the 3.8.6?
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    access to the 3.x series if I'm reading it correct
  3. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    To be honest, this is a welcome surprised. In the customer forums people are complaining about not having access to updates without the 195 fee. Very surprised they care enough to make it right...

    * Via my HTC EvO 4G *
  4. Slinky

    Slinky Addict

    Make it right? What do you do for the people who had no choice but to upgrade to buy the upgrades they wanted?

    1) The annual fee was $30 until IB raised it to $40 about a year and a half ago.

    2) Last year IB refused to sell the $40 update that was part of buying vB 3. Why? Probably to force as many as possible to spend $130 to upgrade to vB 4.

    3) It's almost a year later and they want to sell this same $30/40 package for an almost dead product for $50.

    Wake up. When they priced vB 4, they made your vB 3 license worthless if you didn't upgrade to vB during the presale. They realize vB 3 owners will never upgrade their software. So in order to get some money from you they give you a $50 option to buy the same package that cost $30 just a year and a half ago.

    Here's a good article if you care to read it:

  5. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    I tend to agree with you, it is wrong, yet at the same time it is a slight redemption. For example, I have 3 licenses that are still in use: 1 on vB4, 2 on vB3. I do want to bring then up to date (one is on 3.6.2), but no way am I paying $130 err, sorry $195 for it. $30 to bring it up and get another year or so out of it, before converting to IPB (which I have a license for this set out already) is worth it. At least to me.

    So no, no "thanks guys", but "at least you did one thing semi right"...
    P.S. most people will get it at $30, no? Unless I misread? If it expired in the last year, you get it?
  6. DaveUK

    DaveUK Regular Member

    Seems better then nothing I suppose. Handy for all those people like yourself that are stuck on the 3.6 and 3.7 series of vb.
  7. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    You guys are going to have to make up your minds in staying with vBULLETIN or go to UBB or IPB?

    Grumbling about it for months is not going to help you feel better about it.
  8. Blubble

    Blubble Novice

    Those prices above are incorrect if they don't include VAT for EU customers.

    I'm in the process of buying a second hand owned licence. The VAT was the last nail in the coffin for me. It added just over US$34 to the new price and a second hand licence was US$80, it became a no brainer.
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    the prices are right as far as i can tell
    you don't see a priced item in a store that includes tax, it's added when you you ring up everything.
    It's a shame you guys have to pay taxes, but so does everyone (at least in the states) so I don't have much sympathy for ya. ;)
  10. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    Actually you do often see prices on UK based sites stated with the terms "VAT Included" under the price.
  11. bucket

    bucket Addict

    is this an opportunity for someone wanting to sell their 3.x license?
  12. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    OMG, yay!!!!!
  13. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Don't get me wrong, most people will switch. But we rather push off for as long as we can...
  14. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    No fishy stuff with 3.8.6 upgrade? I don't trust IB so much...
  15. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Im with Slinky on this one, what about how we paid thinking that was the only way to get upgrades, what a joke vb has become and theyve ripped plenty off with this. It seems to be money money money ever since the pre-sale, before that I felt like a valued customer.
  16. Peacelily

    Peacelily Adept

    I don't see why this is a bad thing?

    I want to stay with vB and they just made it quite cost effective for me to stay and not have to worry about changing to 4.0 yet?

    I guess I see this as a good thing.
  17. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Its good if you didn't buy the vb4 upgrade during the presale thinking that was the only way to stay current. I upded one of my licenses to vb4, and used vb4 "since I paid for it"...
    two huge mistakes...
  18. Slinky

    Slinky Addict

    MordyT... the reason your vB license is at 3.6.2 is because IB refused to sell you the maintenance update for $40 last year so you'd buy vB 4!!! Telling me it will sell practically the same update for $50 is an insult. There is nothing redeeming about this move. It's called "cash grab" because vB 4.0.5 is still such a flop that no new revenues are coming in.
  19. Blubble

    Blubble Novice

    This is a pretty accurate summation of the whole sorry saga.
  20. Demo

    Demo Regular Member

    Apparently 3.8.6 contains an huge exploit, gladd I didn't upgrade..

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