Greetings and felicitations! Another Now 'N' Then Forums regular wandering over to take a look at this site. We'll be arriving in droves, you mark my words! So, briefly, I'm Stephen, 34, residing on the south coast of England, single, a writer of dark and surreal plays, poetry and fiction. I believe in unicorns. So I have a warm and fluffy side. Other than that, I'm outwardly average and inwardly twisted. If you want to know more, the website's in my profile and I'm sure you'll ask anything you want to know right here. Let's get chatting then, shall we..? Stephen
:welcometo Stephen, and glad you joined us too. Coming in droves??? Sounds promising I love having new people show up. Welcome and another writer, oh can keep Mamacita company in that department! Liz
Welcome, welcome welcome! I'm working the opposite way of you then. I was a member here first, then went to NNT after hearing a bit about it from Christina.
Yea... another Brit! Welcome! If you're a writer, you'll also have to pop along to my book forum. Have fun!
You do like to follow the links don't ya Stephen? Glad to see you over here too. Have fun and happy posting.
:welspark Stephen, I believe in Unicorns too... Write me something "a writer of dark and surreal" for the gloom I'm facing on this *quit smoking* trip I'm on...... You Brits will enjoy my Sweet Brit hubby... as soon as we crawl outta the smoke-less cave of torture....
Hey there. Glad to see so many coming this way. We're a talkative bunch here. I'm with Neldy, I started here then made my way over to Christina's board because of how much Christina and I had in common. Hope you enjoy it around here.
:gathering So many familiar names. Hi to all and thanks for another warm forums welcome. Looking forward to getting to know new friends, and growing evermore intimate with established ones. Ok, that just sounded so wrong...
Hi Stephen and welcome! Ah, a writer of plays, stories and poetry, yup, you'll blend right in! Hope to hear a lot more from you AnotherLiz
First floor, back bedroom, top drawer of the desk, A4 pad. I may post a new villanelle over at Now N Then later, and then copy 'n' paste it here. Or I may not if I'm far too busy serving everyone's Celebrity Big Brother live update needs!
Welcome, Stephen! Another member from "across the pond"! The Internet is wonderful, isn't it? I look forward to reading your posts. Carol
Welcome aboard! Very nice to meet a "writer of plays, stories and poetry." I need learn to write stories, so if you have any of your writings to post, I would like read a few of them over. My wife is in college and she has been reading stories to me from her lit' class (famous writings from around the world), and I have really enjoyed them. Much different then the computer world I live in! As publisher of several websites, writing is something that I hope to perfect. I think it is important to express my thoughts correctly, here in cyberspace. Talking tech through the keyboard can "dull that effect" and make us all sound like robots! Nice to meet you. :shocked: micaman