Emails upon reply

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Okenyon, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    how do i set this up so that my members get emails when a thread they started or replied to has a new reply?
  2. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    You need to setup your vBulletin mail server to use your server as an outgoing mail server. It should be in your vBulletin manual.
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> User Registration Options -> Default Registration Options -> Automatic Thread Subscription Mode: Instant email notification
  4. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    vBulletin Options -> 'User Registration Options'

    Scroll down to "Default Registration Options", and in the "Automatic Thread Subscription Mode" dropdown menu, choose "Instant Email Notification".

    Then, to enable it for people who are already registered, go to "Execute SQL Query" in your admin panel, and from the "Automatic Query" menu, choose "Instant Email Notification", and click "Continue".
  5. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    can you disable it for certian people or usergroups?

    or give them the option?
  6. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    You can choose in your User CP under the Edit Options part.
  7. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

  8. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    In your includes/config.php file you need to edit this part;

    $config['SpecialUsers']['canrunqueries'] = 'x';

    Just replace x with your user ID.
  9. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    UPDATE user SET autosubscribe = 1

    Confirm Query Execution
    This query may modify data in your database. If this change is done in error, it is possible that you will not be able to recover from this change. Are you sure you wish to continue?

    or continue?
  10. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    Click the 'Continue' button under 'Confirm Query Execution'.
  11. Okenyon

    Okenyon Champion

    thanks alot!
  12. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    No problem

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