
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Guest, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hi I am angelicGrace or EnigmaticGrace as some know me. My mommy calls me Christina. lol

    I am from the great state of North Carolina, and currently reside in Georgia, but I am rarly known for my southern gentility. lol

    I love to cook. I am told that my granny did a fine job of teaching me all the southern heart attack meals. :cheers: My hubby well is he is a few pounds heavyier than he was when we got married so I am sure he would agree.

    I am a mom of two fine boys and I have a little girly on the way (just 3 more months! yea!).

    I am a full time stay at home mom and full time webmistress. I co-own a web site with my best pals. Now-n-Then. It's basicaly an entertainment forum. I also volenteer as admin at another friend's entertainment forum Wolfram and Hart.

    I am a hugh geeky dork. I love all things electronic, digitial, and otherwise computer operated.

    I am slightly musicaly inclined. I sing in my church choir and play english hand bells.

    My fav. colors are black, purple and pink and I will find just about anyway to use them.

    Tinker Bell is by far the cutiest fairy of them all.

    Joss Whedon (the creater of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Serenity, and Firefly) is a tv god.

    The Inside is just about the only tv show I watch now with the exception of just about every show on the food network. (Did I mention I love food).

    I guess that is about it for me. Glad to meet you all.
  2. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    Welcome, Christina and don't all Southerners LOVE those HEART ATTACK meals...in fact, I'm making one tonight. Fried Chicken and potatoe salad!

    So you and Leah can be pregnant together...she's due in Sept? I think it is. :thumbup:

    I'm so glad you joined and you can add whatever you have in the way of recipes...we LOVE new recipes.

    And if you want to add to the computer section, go for it :XXcompute

    Welcome aboard. Liz
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am also due in Sept. Sept 24th. :) I can't wait. I have wanted a little girl so long. Poor thing is going to be spoiled just rotten.

    Fried chicken is by far one of my fav. i made it just last week. Let me tell ya. cooking fried chicken for 8 people is just a world of work.
  4. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    I just went back and looked..Leah's due date is Sept 8th.

    I adore fried chicken :I-Agree: but I'm not suppose to have it THAT often so I enjoy it the few times I do it.

    How old are your boys? Liz
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No one should have fired chicken, but we live in the south. It's a rule or something. :)

    Macon is 7 and Alex will be 3 in July. They both think they are grown though.
  6. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    If you don't mind answering, what area of Georgia? Liz
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Welcome Christina. Glad to hear someone else out there is pregnant and due around the same time as me. I hit the 28 week mark and believe I'm officially in the third trimester tomorrow. Of course that means more tests and all that lovely fun stuff. Doctors think we'll have a girl but we're not certain. We have another ultrasound around my birthday (July 15) so hopefully we can find out for sure.

    I love to cook as well and will definitely take any recipes you are willing to give. Wish I could say I was from the south but I'm not. I live here now and love the way things are different here. I married me a good ol' southerner boy. He's part of this forum as well. He's the geek of the two of us. He just keeps me able to talk on here when our computers actually chose to cooperate.

    Congrats on the baby girl on the way. Do you have any names picked out yet? Look forward to chatting with you.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am about an hour outside Atlanta. :) Burb land for me. lol

    We have a first name picked. Chloe. We have had some rather heated debates over the middle name i have two I love but he doesn't like either. lol
  9. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    My husband and I use to live in Buford so I am VERY familiar with Atlanta. When we first met, he was living in Kennesaw.

    Oh, Chloe is a pretty name...and isn't that the way...can't agree on a name? What are your choices? Liz
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Pleased to meet you Christiana. Another pregnant mommy in our midst - congratulations! 2 boys and a girl to keep them under control...perfect :D
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I like Chloe as well, unfortunately my dh turned his nose up at it. I know how the middle name thing is. We still can't agree on it. Eventually you will. Just like everyone keeps telling me, what are you worried about, you still have plenty of time before the baby gets here!!!

    I agree with coathanger!!! Your boys will probably be so overprotective of their little sister you'll wonder what came over them!!!
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i know Macon will. He treats his step-sister like the ground she toddles on is golden. :)

    Oh I know Buford very well. It's where I do at least 75% of my major shopping. Just a few min. down the road from me. (It is between me and atl).

    My options for a middle name are Alanna or Elise (pronounces eelease). He doesn't care for anything unless it is Padme or Leia (he is a star wars nut and thinks he can get the name thing over on me). lol
  13. Reddie

    Reddie Regular Member

    Welcome Christina...This is a growing community with lots of different things to talk about. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you about food or whatever! You can read about me in my intro (under Reddie). Carol
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Nice to meet you Christina. I'm Suzi and I live in VA, in a rural area; about half way between DC and Charlottesville,VA. I have a good friend that lives in Powder Springs, GA and works at Emory U. Fried chicken - good food, but one I (nor my dh who does a lot of the cooking) have cooked in several years; we only get it sometimes if we're out somewhere. Good Southern cooking is wonderful food - a lot of my relatives live in MS and AL. I'm familiar with it and I love the South. I'd love to live farther south, but since our kids (well, all but 1) are in this area, we'll probably stay here.

    I'm married to a wonderful dh and we have 5 kids (3 girls/2 boys). The oldest is 35 and the youngest just turned 16. The 4 older ones are all married and 3 of them have kids; we have 2 granddaughters and 5 grandsons. Our youngest son & his wife live in Ft. Myer, FL and the others all live within 15 miles of us.

    Nice to have you here and hope you enjoy it.
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Welcome aboard....:thumbup:
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for all the warm welcomes.
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am making my rounds, reading all of the intro's and saw Chloe's hat!

    Really cool!

    I have family in Atlanta and I live in Panama City, Fl. I have always been a Bulldog fan and I have gotten a lot of 'comments' for the Bulldogs' gear that I wear. Everyone around here is either FSU or Florida Gators!

    I do not have much time to follow sports, but "my" default team is the Bulldogs!

    Nice to meet such a happy family!

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