Um yes...I am new...Everyone look at me...for I am new...yeah. This skin is good But my friend doesn't like it So I killed him So now all is good.
Well, there's going to be the new skin in a couple of days, so maybe your friend will like that. Welcome to WiredGamers though. Enjoy your stay.
ah good, cause this is really straining the 56K modem with all these images and such Wheres ADSL when you need it
Will you guys stop with your stupid catch-phrases? It isn't helping poor Enima here feel welcome. Hey Enima, way to show your friend who's boss. Welcome aboard. I can never get over what a big time difference there is between here and Australia.
hi :| .................welcome :| this wonderful thread :| ..............have fun :| ..............don't spam :| ...............and again welcome :|
Thats right watch out for that Buster guy, his CRAZY!! And he might be Gay............. <<I have nothing to say to you buster.......>> :rollseyes (Well, Buster might be gay) <<YOU!!! ARE BUSTER!!! YOU IDOIT!!!!>> (......I am.....CRAP!!.....I'm GAY!!! :CRY:CRY << s...i...g...h.........loser >>
Right well...I like it here I think...although I have suspections on the sexuality of some of the members