Are there any effects you always use (or recycle) when creating something for your website? I used to really like how the reflection and gloss effects looked on text. Similar to this: Combined with some 3D effect (which is as easy as doubling the layer and moving it a bit), you could get a really nice outcome.
I don't think there is really anything that I "recycle" per-say as each project I do, I try to make it all unique.
Typically I tend to use a bit too much of shadow on my graphics I remember been shouted at before when everything I did contained a shadow on the text.
I think I could benefit from some time at DropShadows Anonymous. ("Hello, my name is....") Who doesn't love a drop shadow?
I usually always use gradients, and a lot of transparency whenever I design graphics in Photoshop. I love the way gradients look when they're used properly.