Effects you always use

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by webaficionado, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. webaficionado

    webaficionado Regular Member

    Are there any effects you always use (or recycle) when creating something for your website?

    I used to really like how the reflection and gloss effects looked on text. Similar to this:


    Combined with some 3D effect (which is as easy as doubling the layer and moving it a bit), you could get a really nice outcome.

    Monster and Brandon like this.
  2. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    I don't think there is really anything that I "recycle" per-say as each project I do, I try to make it all unique.
  3. Martin W

    Martin W Regular Member

    Typically I tend to use a bit too much of shadow on my graphics :D I remember been shouted at before when everything I did contained a shadow on the text.
  4. limcid

    limcid Regular Member

    I think I could benefit from some time at DropShadows Anonymous. ("Hello, my name is....")

    Who doesn't love a drop shadow?
  5. Rimi

    Rimi Regular Member

    I have a rounded corners fetish.
  6. SimplySidy

    SimplySidy Website Consultant, Developer and Strategist

    I use the CSS3 gradients quite often even when I am not supposed to...
  7. bauss

    bauss Regular Member

    I usually always use gradients, and a lot of transparency whenever I design graphics in Photoshop. I love the way gradients look when they're used properly.
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