WHERE'D MY KARMA GO!?!?! ---------------------------- I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.
Karma like Hot Deal posted in forums - there one day, gone next... ---------------------------- My knob tastes funny.
poss is right. maybe it's a system glitch? ---------------------------- "No man can be condemed for owning a dog. As long as he has a dog, he has a friend; and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has." - Will Rogers Loyalty and love are the best things of all, and surely the most lasting. -- My Dog Skip
::sniffle:: ---------------------------- I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.
Mth, are you being a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad girl? . . . ---------------------------- Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
I'm a good little mth..unless you *want* me to be bad, of course (and then only if you ask reeeeal nice and I like you . ). ---------------------------- I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.
Mth, would you pleeeeeeeeeeeeease be a bad girl for me? .. . Pretty please? . ---------------------------- Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
. . . ---------------------------- http://www.moonsee.com http://mp3.com/moonsee New mix coming very soon!
First, my karma disappears. Then, someone changes my rank. ::sniffle:: ---------------------------- I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.
Wait! No sniffles! I'm the overangel!!!! . :: does mth flips :: ---------------------------- I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine. <font color="#000000">[Edited by mthrlangl on November 07, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
Yay for mth!!!! You have finally been assimilated!!! . ---------------------------- Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
see you are more special than us us guy mods don't get special names apparently . ---------------------------- http://www.moonsee.com http://mp3.com/moonsee New mix coming very soon!
YAY MTH!!! WOOOHOOO!!!! FINALLY!! i wish i could be an over-bitch . hehe hey mth, you wanna assimilate me? eh? eh? .
Yay! I can give karma now . ---------------------------- I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.
*ahem* *cough cough* *NUDGE* i could, you know....erm...always use...heh...some more...karma....eh mth?! you know i love you *hug* heheh you're the bestest person in the whole wide world! *hug*hug*hug* hehehe . im just joshin ya .
Yay for Mth. Now the Karma queen can become the Karma giving queen. ---------------------------- accept what God and nature has given us each day with appreciation and gratitude, and never give up because somehow, somewhere were going to find fish and have a great time fishing!!!
::flutters around the forums giving out karma:: ---------------------------- I believe in happily ever afters - I just have to find mine.